Contains the thesis template using memoir class,
which is mainly based on book class but permits better control of
chapter styles for example. This template is an adaptation and
modification of Oscar's.
Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting poetry, fiction,
non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or
UoB guidelines:
The dissertation must be printed on A4 white paper. Paper up to A3 may be used
for maps, plans, diagrams and illustrative material. Pages (apart from the
preliminary pages) should normally be double-sided.
Memoir class loads useful packages by default (see manual).
Template da UFRPE para plano de trabalho para os editais PIBIC FACEPE.
O plano deve conter até 04 (quatro) páginas, excetuando-se a capa e incluindo-se as referências.
Plantilla con el formato para la tesis de licenciatura en ciencias químicas, para las carreras LCQ e INCQ.
Versión actualizada (XeLaTeX) y en inglés. Leer comentarios de código para informarse sobre las actualizaciones.
Contiene guía de uso de LaTeX.
Plantilla original por Marcelo Videa.