LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Modelo de TCC da Engenharia da UFJF

This is a customized template of already published template in overleaf.

Classe de documento padrão para a Dissertação do Mestrado Profissional em Computação Aplicada do Departamento de Ciência da Computação & Engenharia de Produção / Universidade de Brasília. GitHub: Versão: 28 de Dezembro de 2016. Atualizado por: Eliézer H. Silva - Mestrando do Programa PPCA/MPCA.

Formato de Tesis Universidad de Antioquia

Template criado a paritr da classe ABNT para uso das monografias de conclusão de curso Maiores informações: Alexandre do Nascimento Silva Lázaro Silva

Originally developed for typesetting a high-energy physics PhD thesis, hepthesis is a LaTeX class for typesetting large academic reports, in particular PhD theses. For thesis writing, hepthesis offers a number of benefits: Attractive semantic environments for rubric sections; Extensive options for draft production, screen viewing & binding-ready output; Helpful extensions of existing environments, including equation and tabular; Support for quotations at the start of the thesis (and each chapter). The example thesis provided with the package has been pre-loaded into Overleaf to help you get started - simply click the button above to create your own version for editing online. Version Note: This template has been updated to that supplied with the 2014-12-03 update to hepthesis on CTAN, with a further modification in December 2016 to switch the depreciated \bf commands to \textbf commands, to maintain compatibility after the Overleaf TeXLive 2016 upgrade.

Template for the diploma thesis at Masters Course Digital Media Technology at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma and Student theses in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart. The source for this template is maintained on github. This version was imported 15 Nov 2016.

The purpose of the class yathesis is to facilitate dissertations’ typesetting of theses prepared in France, whatever disciplines and institutes. It implements most notably recommendations from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and this, transparently to the user. It has also been designed to (optionally) take advantage of powerful tools available in LaTeX, including packages: biblatex for the bibliography ; glossaries for the glossary, list of acronyms and symbols list. The yathesis class, based on the book class, aims to be both simple to use and, to some extent, (easily) customizable. The present template is more a sample than a template but can be used as a starting point to gradually fit your own needs. A real template can be found [here].
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