LaTeX templates and examples — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

Microscopic spatial defects (inhomogeneities) in solar cells have a detrimental impact on the overall performance of the solar cells. These defects can be due to the polycrystalline nature of the photovoltaic absorber (general case) or on the other hand, the characterization method itself can induce such inhomogeneities (ex: local excitation with confocal system). Photoluminescence imaging in particular is the most attractive type of experimental character- ization technique which has been studied by many research groups. Since it is contactless, it allows a complete analysis of the photovoltaic material and it can actually be performed at each step of the solar cell fabrication process. To properly analyze the recorded images, one has to model the transport properties. In this work we model the transport properties in 2D using both a numerical and analytic approach. First,we model the global illumination of the sample, we then analyze the effects of grains and surface recombination. Second, we study lateral transport that can be influenced by recombination at the surface (passivation issues), grain boundaries (polycrystalline cells) or local artifacts (shunts, defects...). At the same time we are able to extract the lifetime knowing the generation rate and solving the excess carrier density from our model. And finally we implement our model to extract some cell parameters like the diffusion length from experimental data through data fitting.

Template para a escrita de dissertação de MSI ou relatório de projeto de EI da ESTiG.

A simple Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Masters Thesis proposal template 2017-12-14 v. 1.0.0 Copyright 2010-2017 by Shyam Krishna Khadka This template is inspired from Jesper Kjær Nielsen ( AAU template which can be seen in some of the files.

Modelo de Trabalho Acadêmico da FEA-RP em conformidade com a ABNT NBR 14724:2011 e Diretrizes para Confecção de Teses e Dissertações da USP

Template criado a paritr da classe ABNT para uso das monografias de conclusão de curso Maiores informações: Alexandre do Nascimento Silva Lázaro Silva

ICMC: Modelo de Trabalho Acadêmico (tese de doutorado, dissertação de mestrado e trabalhos monográficos em geral) em conformidade com ABNT NBR 14724:2011: Informação e documentação - Trabalhos acadêmicos - Apresentação Link original:

Latex Template for BTP at IIT Guwahati

Este modelo é muito completo e deve ser usado como base para nossos trabalhos de TCC.

The template aims at helping students working in the NuSTRAP group (University of Athens, Greece) prepare their thesis (PhD, MSc, BSc). It uses XeLaTeX and Babel packages to facilitate the use of Greek language.
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