Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

This paper presents the design, the prototype implementation and the preliminary evaluation of an enhanced meta-computing environment based on the FEniCS Project and focused on multi-domain multi-physics problems modeled with partial differential equations. It is based on scripting languages and their practices, and on the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm and the associated web services technologies. Our design is generic, covering a wide range of problems but our proof of concept implementation is restricted to elliptic PDEs in two or three dimensions.

No âmbito da cadeira de Portfólio Pessoal, leccionada pelo professor Rui Santos Cruz, foi nos disponibilizada uma lista de actividades a desempenhar tendo estas como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento das imprescindíveis e cada vez mais necessárias "Soft Skills". A actividade escolhida foi um projecto colaborativo promovido pela associação de caridade "Entrajuda" e pelo Centro Paroquial do Campo Grande, sendo que, a actividade consistia na restauração e reabilitação do espaço exterior desta ultima organização. Entre as diversas tarefas a desenvolver no espaço exterior do centro paroquial, a escolhida foi o restauro dos bancos de jardim nele existentes, o que incluía todo o trabalho de pintura e tratamento de materiais (madeira, ferro) existentes nestes bancos. O intuito de toda esta restauração centrou-se na perspectiva, de num futuro recente, poder acolher todos os beneficiários do centro num local agradável, e com condições dignas de uma instituição cuja principal preocupação é ajudar quem mais precisa.

The Hudson School, Hoboken, New Jersey. Chemistry, May 6th, 2015

Mecánica V. tarea 2

"ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter LaTeX Template Version 1.1 (9/12/12) This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Xavier Danaux ( License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( Important note: This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes used for structuring the document.

As part of the NASA IMPACT program to model mechanical interactions with bodies in space such as comets, asteroids, and other Near Earth Objects (NEOs), the Colorado School of Mines team is designing a motor stage apparatus to interact with JSC-1A regolith simulant surfaces. This initial study involved development and testing of a prototype motor stage apparatus which was used to drive three types of probes into JSC-1A surfaces while collecting force data under standard Earth atmospheric conditions. The probes used were a conical-tipped probe, a wedge-tipped probe, and an anchoring probe. Main goals of the prototype system were to acquire general force trends for each interaction, and to isolate the most important design features for a more-complex in-vacuum system. Our data revealed force interactions that were very small in magnitude—on the order of tenths of Newtons—and more complex than our simple stiff beam probe and mount model could accurately predict. Our results lead us to recommend a more complex experimental model that can accurately represent deflection in the probes while also allowing for better measurement of regolith movement near the tip of the probes. Specifically, we recommend the following design features for the in-vacuum system: a load cell capable of measuring at very low ranges (thousandths of Newtons), reliability of structural axis alignment between trials, a robust mounting system that can accommodate each different type of probe, and consistency of sample preparation between trials.

This report is about Python and Django and can be useful for students for report submission.

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