Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

College Physics Lab Report

Reporte 1

This paper introduces the risks associated with the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), gives an overview of the major organizations involved in the study of AGI risk, and examines current actions being taken with respect to AGI risk management. It then discusses possible AGI public policy options and their likely outcomes, and finally recommends a set of policies designed to decrease the risk presented by AGI.

En la presente guía se desarrollará el procedimiento que permitirá poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en la clase teórica de Introducción a la Ingeniería Eléctrica. El tema a desarrollar es el de circuitos serie, además se realizará una introducción a los instrumentos de medida del laboratorio y su segura manipulación.

The purpose of this lab is to determine the spring constant of a given spring. This spring constant is given by the relation between the force exerted on the spring and the distance the spring is either stretched or compressed. This relationship is given through Hooke’s law which we are going to get a better understanding of throughout this lab.

A report of summer internship in ProxymIT on customer segmentation in banking

Its about a tutorial on Stack - a very popular data structure ...

A comprehensive report on Data Analysis and Machine Learning project on Listings of Seattle City. Drawing important analytic and visualizing inferences on the data set using analysis and visualization tools. And predicting future price of listings based on common features.

We observe three differents algorithms, GRASP, Tabu Search best and Tabu Search first, for the maximum diversity problem and we get the best of those.
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