Community articles — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Hadoop versus Spark

In deze handleiding worden twee technieken beschreven voor visuele cryptografie. Bij de eerste techniek worden twee transparanten met schijnbaar willekeurige patronen van zwarte blokjes over elkaar geschoven om een geheime afbeelding tevoorschijn te laten komen. De tweede techniek gebruikt twee afbeeldingen in grijstinten die transparant over elkaar geschoven worden om een geheime afbeelding op te roepen. De enige voorkennis die nodig is om deze technieken te kunnen uitvoeren, is het gebruik van een rekenblad (hier: Excel) en van een fotobewerkingsprogramma.

Relatório lab 7,8,9

Hiring Professionals (KajLagbe) is a platform for publishing and finding jobs that are not so conventional to the existing job marketplace. We focus on providing manpower specially for the day to day requirements.

Este trabajo presenta la aplicación de un conjunto de articulos con propias teorías de los robots manipuladores y el modelamiento de pinzas. Para ello el brazo humano se modela como un robot manipulador redundante. En particular se aplica el concepto de índices de desempeño para predecir posturas óptimas del brazo durante la realización de tareas. En el estudio se incluyen tanto estructuras estáticas, como tambien los analisis de estabilidad del brazo y los materiales para su respectiva realizacion. This work presents the application of a set of articles with the own theories of the manipulative robots and the modeling of tweezers. For this, the bearing is modeled as a redundant manipulator robot. In particular, the concept of performance indices is applied to predict the optimal postures of the task during the performance of tasks. The study includes both static structures, as well as safety management analyzes and materials for their respective realization.

This research paper aims at exploiting efficient ways of implementing the N-Body problem. The N-Body problem, in the field of physics, predicts the movements and planets and their gravitational interactions. In this paper, the efficient execution of heavy computational work through usage of different cores in CPU and GPU is looked into; achieved by integrating the OpenMP parallelization API and the Nvidia CUDA into the code. The paper also aims at performance analysis of various algorithms used to solve the same problem. This research not only aids as an alternative to complex simulations but also for bigger data that requires work distribution and computationally expensive procedures.

Creating a driver to control a GPIO

Template for students in physics at Reykjavik University.

In this document we focus on modifying the Linux Kernel through memory and scheduler parameters. The main objective is to study the performance of a computer during the execution of AIO-Stress Benchmark. It was necessary to run the test several times since three of the parameter mentioned in this project were modified 5 times. After completing the test, the results were displayed on graphs, showing that all the variables have a noticeable influence on the performance of the computer.
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