LaTeX templates — XeLaTeX


ModernCV Curriculum Vitae (Chinese version)

The CTeX package ( provides a style common in Chinese typsetting. However, many CTeX-based templates uses fonts bundled with Windows, which are unavailable on Overleaf. This example shows how the CTeX package can be configured to use fonts installed on Overleaf. The default Fandol font works if you compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. You may upload your own OTF/TTF fonts and use those also, but do be aware that Chinese font files are usually quite large! 应该有很多 CTeX 用户把自己的文件上载到 Overleaf 后,才发现由于没有 Windows 默认字体,文件不能编译而抓狂吧。不过这是可以改正的。在这个范例里,我们挪用了 Overleaf 伺服器上已有的字体,CTeX 文件就可以编译了。

Avant propos : ces exemples de fichiers ont été mis à jour grâce à l'aide précieuse de Gilbert Ritschard. Pour toute question ou remarque n'hésitez pas à nous contacter : Version 3 2008-05-21 Version 3.1 2012-11-26 Bruno Pinaud Version 3.1.1 2012-11-27 Gilles Venturini Version 3.1.2 2013-04-25 Gilles Venturini Overleaf note: Version 3.1.2 updated in Dec 2016 to fix font/input encoding compatibilty with XeLaTeX

This is the Persian IMC45 paper's template. این فایل قالب مقالات چهل و پنجمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران است.



This is an updated template for articles submitted to the Journal Of Language Modelling v1.6.3, compatible with overleaf. The official JLM template relies on having fonts installed system-wide, which is not possible with overleaf. This version of jlm.cls is slightly modified to load fonts from a subfolder.
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