LaTeX templates — Conference Paper

Template for the Interactive Sonification (ISon) workshop 2022 proceedings.
Arquivo simples mostrando algumas funcionalidades do LateX . Feito para o Workshop de introdução à escrita científica usando Latex da Expotec IFRN/JC - 2021;

This is the official template for the 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA.

Template for writing SEG abstract.

GEOPHYSICS, published by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists since 1936, is an archival journal encompassing all aspects of research, exploration, and education in applied geophysics. This is the LaTeX template for GEOPHYSICS papers.

LaTeX template for the International School on Quantum Technologies (QTS) summary submission.

Example for extended contributions for the Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica: Series de Conferencias. Uploaded for the III Congreso Latinoamericano de Astrobiología

Template para apresentação de resumos estendidos em português para o WPCCG.

This is a template for writing extended abstracts for WPCCG.
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