Community articles — Two-column

Las observaciones han mostrado que el numero de neutrinos electrónicos νe que llegan a la tierra desde el sol es aproximadamente la mitad del número esperado de nuestro conocimiento de las reacciones nucleares que ocurren al interior del sol. Estas observaciones se explican como el resultado de que algunos neutrinos electrónicos νe se convierten en neutrinos muónicos νμ y neutrinos tauónicos ντ durante su recorrido entre su creación al interior del sol y su observación en la tierra. Este cambio de un sabor a otro se conoce como oscilaciónes del neutrino. Se introduce un término de masa para el neutrino que es invariante de Lorentz en la densidad lagrangiana del modelo estándar (SM), y se describe el estado del neutrino |να⟩(α = e, μ, τ) como una combinación lineal de autoestados de masa |νi⟩ (i=1,2,3), lo cual conduce a las oscilaciones del neutrino.

Distributed system is a collection of independent systems which can communicate with each other by transferring massages. There are some major issues in distributed systems but we focus in this paper on fault tolerance. It is the system’s ability to work in the condition when there occur any type of some fault in the system, like failure in communication, hardware or resources. It is a very important issue in distributed system, in this paper we present a survey of different types of fault tolerance techniques and their comparison.

Web security issues remain a major challenge with numerous security concerns, Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDos) leads among these. It was evolved from DOS and its main purpose is to consume large amount of server resources so that the server cannot provide service to normal users. Attackers usually gain access to large number of computers by exploiting the vulnerabilities to set up attack armies (i.e., Botnets). This paper will review and analyse different existing DDoS detecting techniques against different parameters, and propose a new hybrid architecture for the defence mechanism of DDoS attack.

Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game, also called Omok or Five in a Row. This paper explains the implementation of an AI with minimax alpha-beta search with a sequences pattern recognition.

Classifying pulmonary nodule CT images as either benign or malignant, using a trained Residual Neural Network.

Laboratory where LEX is compared to C

The viscosity of a particular fluid is an interesting parameter that plays an important role in fluid dynamics of that fluid. We chose the common household cooking item canola oil. Using a ball drop, we set out to measure viscosity at various temperatures and create a model for the viscosity of canola oil as a function of temperature, as well as an accurate measurement for viscosity at room temperature. It was found that the viscosity between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius can be approximated using an exponential function and that an estimation for viscosity at room temperature was not very difficult to obtain. The precision of this measurement was limited by uncertainty in lab equipment used to measure various quantities as well as the image analysis software we used and the limited frame-rate of our camera.

Although the analysis of data is a task that has gained the interest of the statistical community in recent years and whose familiarity with the statistical computing environment, they encourage the current statistical community (to students and teachers of the area) to complete statistical analysis reproducible by means of the tool R. However for years there has been a gap between the calculation of matrices on a large scale and the term "big data", in this work the Normalized Cut algorithm for images is applied. Despite the expected, the R environment to do image analysis is poorly, in comparison with other computing platforms such as the Python language or with specialized software such as OpenCV. Being well known the absence of such function, in this work we share an implementation of the Normalized Cut algorithm in the R environment with extensions to programs and processes performed in C ++, to provide the user with a friendly interface in R to segment images. The article concludes by evaluating the current implementation and looking for ways to generalize the implementation for a large scale context and reuse the developed code. Key words: Normaliced Cut, image segmentation, Lanczos algorithm, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, graphs, similarity matrix, R (the statistical computing environment), open source, large scale and big data.

O conceito de automação residencial é definido como o conjunto de serviços proporcionados por sistemas tecnológicos integrados, sendo a melhor maneira de satisfazer as necessidades básicas de segurança, comunicação, gestão energética e conforto de uma habitação. Seguindo essa concepção, surgiu-se a ideia da criação de um Kit automatizado para janelas utilizando a plataforma Arduíno, visando a solução de problemas do dia a dia como o transtorno causado pela chuva e principalmente, gerando praticidade e comodidade para os cidadãos.
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