A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
We explore ways of allowing for the offloading of computationally rigorous tasks from devices with slow logical processors onto a network of anonymous peer-processors. Recent advances in secret sharing schemes, decentralized consensus mechanisms, and multiparty computation (MPC) protocols are combined to create a P2P MPC market. Unlike other computational "clouds", ours is able to generically compute any arithmetic circuit, providing a viable platform for processing on the semantic web. Finally, we show that such a system works in a hostile environment, that it scales well, and that it adapts very easily to any future advances in the complexity theoretic cryptography used. Specifically, we show that the feasibility of our system can only improve, and is historically guaranteed to do so.
Ukázková prezentace pro účastníky workshopu na konferenci v Českých Budějovicích 2015.
(Sample presentation to workshop participants at a conference in the Czech Budejovice 2015.)
In this sample paper, we describe the formatting requirements for content for the STAR assignment for the Introduction to Computer Graphics class, Fall 2015. Please fill this section with the abstract. This template is based on the SIGGRAPH proceedings template and the following sections will contain dummy sections and text which you can edit. Use Overleaf to collaborate and keep track of your document.
LaTeX thesis template as downloaded from http://gradschool.cornell.edu/thesis-and-dissertation/preparing-and-formatting. This template contains a small fix to avoid an error message about \ifpdf.
Cornell University Graduate School (uploaded by LianTze Lim)
A PocketMod is an 8-page booklet made from a single side of paper. This means you can recycle papers that's only been written/printed on one side. See PocketMod.com or this video for instructions to fold the PocketMod.
You can use it to create little books, brochures, handouts, daily planners, or just as a quick notepad or doodling sketchpad.
LianTze Lim
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