\usepackage[usenames]{color} %used for font color
\usepackage{amssymb} %maths
\usepackage{amsmath} %maths
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %useful to type directly diacritic characters
%comment out the following two lines if PhD thesis
\teztipi{Y{\"u}ksek Lisans}
%comment out the following two lines if MS thesis
\keywords{Key one, key two}
\anahtarsoz{Anahtar S{\"o}zlerim}
\baslik{T{\" U}RK\c{C}E BA\c{S}LIK}
\author{Name Surname}
\dept{Computer Engineering}
\bolum{Bilgisayar M\"{u}hendisli\u{g}i}
\principaladvisor{No academic titles, only the name X}
\tezyoneticisi{Akademik \" Unvans\i z isim X}
%\coadvisor{No academic titles, only the name XX} % uncomment this line if there is a co-advisor
%\ikincitezyoneticisi{Akademik \" Unvans\i z isim XX} % uncomment this line if there is a co-advisor
\firstreader{No academic titles, only the name Y}
\secondreader{No academic titles, only the name Z}
\thirdreader{No academic titles, only the name U}
\fourthreader{No academic titles, only the name V}
\director{Ezhan Kara\c san}
\submitdate{October 2017}
\tarih{Ekim 2017}
\titlepageMS %comment out if PhD thesis
%\titlepagePhD %comment out if MS thesis
\signaturepageMS %comment out if PhD thesis
%\signaturepagePhD %comment out if MS thesis
Write the abstract here. Please note that an abstract is not the narrative form of contents page.
Instead, it should give the same content as in the thesis, and must not be just a pointer to the content of the
thesis. Avoid unnecessary words like
``In this thesis,''; it is clear that this is the abstract of this thesis, anyway.
A good abstract should contain balanced material from each and every chapter of the thesis, and tell essentially the
same thing. A common mistake is to write too much from introduction and conclusion chapters, but too little from
anything in between.
T\"urk\c ce \"ozet buraya gelecek.
I acknowledge that \ldots
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} %% depth of subsections
\setcounter{tocdepth}{4} %% depth of Table of Contents
\parskip 0.5cm
\parindent 0.5cm