overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This template is intended for students, collaborators and researchers of the Laboratory of Innovations in Transportation of the Ryerson University

Đây là template để viết báo cáo. Có logo đại học Khoa Học tự nhiên. Template hỗ trợ tiếng việt This is a typical University Report, suitable for course project or whatever. You can replace the University logo. Full support Vietnamese

This a template based on papers package, modified by me.

Modelo de relatório de estágio DAS - UFSC. Contribua em github.com/gabrielpra1/relatorio-estagio-das

This template gives a basic introduction to \(\mathrm{\LaTeX}\) and provides a template for the Creighton University Master's thesis, especially as pertains to the MS in physics and medical physics degrees.

A slight modification to the report template provided by TU/e LaTeX package. Next version to be released soon.

Credits to original author who shared it on Sharelatex.

This utmthesis class was first created back in 2006. Since then, thanks to the various contributors over the years, it has matured into this. List of major contributors (sorted alphabetically) Lim Lian Tze Loo Hui Ru Muhammad Nadzir Marsono Ng Choon Ching Teo Hui Ming Vishnu P. Nambiar Yap Yung Szen Wan Zuki Azman credits also to other contributors/testers whose names are not listed here UTMthesis.cls v6.4 (2021/05/02) conforms with the 2018 UTM thesis manual.

This template is modifed from the UC Berkeyley beamer theme, and features the UW Oshkosh logo.
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