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This LaTeX template is offered by the UCF College of Graduate Studies. Students should use this template at their own discretion, as the College of Graduate Studies cannot offer ongoing LaTeX formatting support. Students should seek guidance from their thesis or dissertation committee chair and/or their own department for additional LaTeX guidance, as this will likely be the best source for LaTeX information.
This template is intended to offer a basic outline of the formatting requirements. These files are not guaranteed to be error free or work precisely as written and may require customization. Students are responsible for the formatting their ETD to meet the requirements set forth in the Thesis and Dissertation Manual even if the LaTeX template is used. It is highly suggested that LaTeX users review the Sample ETD and Thesis and Dissertation Format Review Checklist prior to submitting for official review to ensure their file is formatted properly.
University of Central Florida College of Graduate Studies
The classes smfbook and smfart are intended to help the preparation in LaTeX of the monographs and articles to be published by the French Mathematical Society.
As instruções aqui contidas objetivam auxiliar os autores na preparação de documentos para impressão na Revista RITA. O resumo deve ser escrito na mesma língua do texto (Português, Inglês ou Espanhol) e descreve o conteúdo do texto em cerca de 150-200 palavras. Font Times, tamanho 10, margens laterais reduzidas em 1 cm de cada lado, com duas linhas em branco antes e depois do resumo. Formato abstract. Esta é a segunda versão das instruções e dos formatos e, portanto, sujeita a incorreções e omissões.
Plantilla para trabajos de grado según manual para tesis de la UNA, FCQ, IQ/IA
Template for thesis according to the National University of Asunción, School of Chemical Sciences, Chemical Engineering/Food Engineering.
Axel Dullak
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