%If your system does not have a latex package ``pkg'', for example,
%attempting to run latex on the file will produce an error report
%reading something like ``Latex error: File pkg.sty not found.''
%Your system should have the latex symbol package. If not comment out
%the next line by placing a percent sign % at the beginning of the line.
%Your system may not have the American Mathematical Society packages
%for mathematics and theorem formatting. If not, comment out the
%next line. If you comment out the next line, you should also
%comment out all the theorem formatting commands, and you should not
%try to process the part of the document called chp1a.tex. Commment
%out the line below calling for \input{chp1a}.
%Your system may not have the xypic drawing package. If not, comment
%out the next line. If you comment out the next line, you should
%also not try to process chp1a.tex.
%Your system should have the graphicx package for included graphics.
%If not, or, if you have no graphics to include, comment out the next
%line. If you commment out the next line, then you should not try to
%process the part of the document called graphics.tex. Comment out
%the line below calling for \input{graphics}
%The next settings give the correct margins for an NMSU Ph.D. thesis.
%They are commented out due to updates in requirements (apparently)
% Theorem Formatting Commands.
% Miscellaneous Special Capitals
\newcommand{\bZ}{{\mathbf Z}}
\newcommand{\bQ}{{\mathbf Q}}
\newcommand{\bR}{{\mathbf R}}
\newcommand{\cC}{{\mathcal C}}
%Miscellaneous symbols
\newcommand{\op}{{\rm \oplus}}
\newcommand{\id}{\rm id}
%Miscellaneous Greek letters
%Miscellaneous operators
%Prepare for double spacing
%Use the next line to obtain double spacing for the main body of the document
%Comment out the preceding line and uncomment the next line containing
%a \setlength command to obtain single spacing for the main body of
%the document.
%Why do you care about this option?
%There are two answers. One is that it takes less paper to print a
%preliminary draft of the thesis. The second is that singlespacing
%makes the structural units of the document more apparent. Single
%spacing makes it easy to identify definitions, lemmas, theorems, and
%so on, and it makes apparent such problems as a paragraph that is
%running too long. On the other hand, the double spacing is good for
%checking for typographical errors in a manuscript. Note that a
%document printed in singlespacing and doublespacing formats will
%have its problems with page and line breaks in different locations.
%The title page, approval page, dedication page, acknowledgment page,
%vita page, abstract page, and pages listing tables and figures (if
%there are any) all carry roman numerals.
%If you have tables you will use the next three lines to create a list
%of tables following the table of contents page. If you have no
%tables in your document, then you comment out the next three lines
%by placing a percent sign (%) at the beginning of each line. You
%may also delete the next three lines if they are not needed.
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{LIST OF TABLES}
%If you have figures you will use the next three lines to create a
%list of figures following the table of contents page (and the list
%of tables, if there is one). If you have no list of figures, then
%you comment out the next three lines by placing a percent sign (%)
%at the beginning of the line. You may also delete the next three
%lines if they are not needed.
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{LIST OF FIGURES}
%The next two lines are essentially the start of the main body of the
%thesis. You go to a new page, start numbering in arabic numerals,
%and input the introduction.
%The next four lines create a list of references for the
%paper from a .bbl file created by BibTeX from a .bib bibliographic
%database file.
%The MathSciNet clipboard was used to prepare
%the .bib file. See Lamport's book mentioned in the references for
%basic information about BibTeX. If you don't use BibTeX, you need
%to create and format the list of references yourself.
%These next three command lines create a list of references for the paper from
%a biblio.tex file you create yourself.