
Formula sheet for a statistics course

A sketch of the region \(R\) of space-time produced by field \(\Phi_{\mu}\). The figure is inspired in figure 3.3 of the book ``Quantum Field Theory'' by Lewis H. Ryder.

This is a table I used in the paper W. Li, G. Wei, D. Ding, Y. Liu and F. E. Alsaadi, "A New Look at Boundedness of Error Covariance of Kalman Filtering," in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 309-314, Feb. 2018. I would like to share some LaTex codes for the table which might be helpful to some readers.

A LuaLaTeX document that for multiplication tables for use in classrooms. The mymult function takes as input (n) an argument and publishes the tables for n-5+1 through n.

This is a mathematics homework questions sheet in Vietnamese. -- De Thi Toan 2015

homework template

Mathe KIT

Mini livre d'exercices: huit pages A7 sur une feuille A4 qui se plie en un livre. minilivre, pocketmod, minibook, booklet, mini-livre, livret.

Xelatex, Polyglossia, Amiri, Série, Exercices (A maths exercise sheet in Arabic)
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