overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates and examples — Recent
Discover LaTeX templates and examples to help with everything from writing a journal article to using a specific LaTeX package.

This is the template for the Cryptography and Information Security Conference (CISC). Due to copyright concerns about the BiauKai font, this template uses AR PL UKai TW as the main CJK font instead. But you're still able to upload the font to Overleaf by yourself. Notice: \nocite{*} is used to display reference examples. You should delete this line. The default template is for Chinese paper, please change the following parameters to the English version. labelsep = period % English = period, Chinese = space \renewcommand{\Authsep}{~} \renewcommand{\Authand}{~} \renewcommand{\Authands}{~} \renewcommand\figurename{圖} \renewcommand\tablename{表} \renewcommand\refname{參考文獻} % comment out these lines for English paper \parindent=1em % English = 1em, Chinese = 2em

Presentation template for the WCCI 2020.

This is the LaTeX template to Per Musi journal developed by Flávio Schiavoni and Thiago Campolina in June 2020 (pandemic times, yes I know).

This thesis template was created by Dr Kelly Williams, NHMRC Early Career Fellow with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Macquarie University. Feedback on this template is welcome and can be submitted by emailing kelly.williams@mq.edu.au.

Documento de Proyecto de grado de la Universidad Antonio Nariño FIMEB

Here, I am sharing my PhD thesis template to edit your thesis in LaTeX format. It is simple and easy to use. Hope, it will help you alot during thesis writing time. Thank you and all the best for all your future endeavors !

This is the sample dissertation template for University of Nottingham Ningbo China

This is the PhD Thesis Template of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIITD) for the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Dissertation template for the University of Strathclyde, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department.
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