% A Template for "How to create a WiFi account" with Re2o
% https://gitlab.federez.net/federez/re2o/
% Created by Hugo 'klafyvel' Levy-Falk
% Adapted from LianTze Lim poster
% https://www.overleaf.com/latex/examples/overleaf-campus-challenge-2016-poster/wywxgwqgtycw
% Images belong to their authors
% Distributed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
% Here you can set the color and the text size
% Rézo Metz : 1cc0fa
% Aurore : cf0f23
\documentclass[color=1cc0fa, size=12pt, logo=logo_rezo.png]{re2o-poster}
% Set the language here
% To add another translation, create a Re2oPoster-<Lang>.dict
% Some informations
\title{\translate{Poster Title}}
% You should not need to change anything below
\vskip \baselineskip
\item \translate{connect};
\item \translate{go to intranet} :
\item \translate{if don't have an account}
\item \translate{if have an account};
\item \translate{go to your user page};
\item {\centering%
\translate{is active}
\item {\centering%
\translate{is not active}
\item \translate{pay}
\item \translate{select pay} :
\item \translate{select article}
\item \translate{click}
\item \translate{you can}
\vskip \baselineskip
\hskip -1.1cm%
@{} p{1.5cm} @{}
*4{>{\centering\arraybackslash\large\bfseries}X @{}}
p{1.5cm} @{}
\rule{0pt}{2.2cm} &
\includegraphics[height=1.8cm]{utorrent.png} &
\includegraphics[height=1.8cm]{law.png} &
\includegraphics[height=1.8cm]{share.png} &
\includegraphics[height=1.8cm]{fun.png} & \\
& \translate{p2p} & \translate{law} & \translate{share} & \translate{enjoy}
{\Large \translate{issue} \emph{\thecontact}\\\hfill \translate{mail} \emph{\theemail}}
\vskip -0.9\baselineskip
u-torrent logo \cc\ccby FlatArt, %
law icon by Github (MIT license), %
user-icon \cc\ccby\ccsa Daniel Bruce, %
Party icon by Webalys