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% \usepackage[romanian]{babel} % setări pentru limba română
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\usepackage[margin=2.54cm]{geometry} % dimensiuni pagină și margini
\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options
% formatting sections and subsections
\usepackage[titletoc, title]{appendix}
\counterwithout{figure}{chapter} % no chapter number in figure labels
\counterwithout{table}{chapter} % no chapter number in table labels
\counterwithout{equation}{chapter} % no chapter number in equation labels
\usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables
\usepackage{url} % Useful for inserting web links nicely
\usepackage{array} % for better arrays (eg matrices) in maths
\usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customisable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.)
\usepackage{verbatim} % adds environment for commenting out blocks of text & for better verbatim
\usepackage{subfig} % make it possible to include more than one captioned figure/table in a single float
% packages used for citations
\lstset{language=Python,basicstyle={\bfseries \color{black}},keywordstyle={\bfseries \color{blue}}}
\newcommand{\UniTextEN}{National University of Science and Technology\\ POLITEHNICA Bucharest\\
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers\\
Computer Science and Engineering Department\\}
\newcommand{\DiplomaEN}{DIPLOMA PROJECT}
\newcommand{\AdvisorEN}{Thesis advisors:}
{\Large #1} % header (university, faculty, department)
\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pics/UNST Poli.png} &
\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pics/A&C.png} &
\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pics/UPB NLP.png}
{\Huge #2}\\ % diploma project text
{\Large #3}\\ \vspace{0pt} % project title
{\LARGE \Name}\\ % student name
&{\large\textbf{#5}}\vspace{10pt}\\ % scientific advisor
&{\large \AdvisorA}\\ % advisor name A
&{\large \AdvisorB} % advisor name B
{\normalsize \Year}
%% Abstract macro
\textbf{\large ABSTRACT}\par
\AbstractEN \vfill
\textbf{\large REZUMAT}\par
%% End of template definitions
\newcommand{\ProjectTitleEN}{Awesome Title}
\newcommand{\Name}{Your name}
\newcommand{\AdvisorA}{Prof./Conf./S.l./As. dr./drd. ing. X}
\newcommand{\AdvisorB}{Prof./Conf./S.l./As. dr./drd. ing. Y}
% Setări document
\title{Proiect de diplomă}
%% Câmpurile aferente rezumatului
The abstract should contain the following information (1/2 sentences per item):
\item Problem statement / context
\item Aim of the thesis/research objective(s)
\item Brief method details
\item Main results
\item Concluding remarks
\newcommand{\AbstractRO}{Translation to be made at the end
\textbf{Keywords}: max 5, e.g., Language Models, Natural Language Processing
% Keep the list of figures and the list of tables on the same page.
\listoffigures\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of figures}
\listoftables\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of tables}
% Include the abstract page. See this definition if page numbers are wrong.
% poate fi comentata sau stearsa
% \ThanksPage
% Start the normal page numbering.
% Textul licentei incepe de aici
Google Scholar and Mendeley are your friends for generating references. You can also export them directly from DBLP and other websites.
Please use $citet$ - e.g., \citet{NIPS2017_3f5ee243} - for contextual references to the authors and $citep$ - e.g., \citep{HochSchm97} - in usual citations. \textbf{Never} include paper titles, only formulations that relate to the authors and are automatically generated (e.g., The study by ..., or X (year) have ...). Examples of BibTex entries are included in the "bibliography.bib" file.
Also, Grammarly is extremely useful for grammatical corrections. Please use the Chrome plugin integrated with Overleaf.
\section{Problem Statement}
\section{Thesis Structure}
\chapter{State of the art}
\section{(Neural) Architecture}
\section{Performance Metrics}
\section{Performance Comparison}
\chapter{Conclusions and Future Work}
% Bibliography / References.