TU Dortmund Secure Software Engineering Group Thesis Template
Ben Hermann
Last Updated:
3 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis Template for the SSE Group at TU Dortmund. You can use this template for your own thesis.
The main document is the thesis.tex file which you need to customize for your thesis project. Line 6 contains the link to our document class and needs to be adapted to your particular project.
german for a thesis in German
english for a thesis in English
ba for a Bachelor thesis
ma for a Master thesis
In the section of line 8 and following you can add any LaTeX package you additionally require for your thesis. The list of packages already included through the template is: blindtext, graphicx, url, geometry, xifthen, wrapfig, textpos, babel, multicol, natbib, xcolor. Feel free to add packages as needed, but do not change the fonts or font sizes or page geometry. Also the packages must be compatible with XeTeX.
You can set the title of your thesis in line 12 and your name in line 15. Set the correct supervisors in line 18 and 19.
Now you are ready to add you content, such as the abstract in English (in case you write your thesis in English) and German (in any case needed). We suggest to structure your chapters into individual files and include them, but feel free to structure differently.

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