LaTeX templates — Essay

Modelo para o repositório institucional do IFPE. Versão 2.0. 11/03/2024. Desenvolvido por Ygo Neto Batista, IFPE Campus Pesqueira.

Русскоязычный шаблон для рефератов по ГОСТ 7.32-2017 "Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе". Подготовлен по рекомендациям сотрудников и преподавателей Университета ИТМО для студентов технических и естественно-научных специальностей. Шаблон составлен для компилятора XeLaTeX, библиография собирается при помощи движка biber. Работоспособность проверялась в Overleaf и на Windows 11 в связке MikTeX + TeXstudio.

High School Students Simple Essay Contest in Taiwan By Taipei Municipal Heping High School

The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming is a new journal created with the goal of placing the wonderful art of programming in the map of scholarly works. Many academic journals and conferences exist that publish research related to programming, starting with programming languages, software engineering, and expanding to the whole Computer Science field. Yet, many of us feel that, as the field of Computer Science expanded, programming, in itself, has been neglected to a secondary role not worthy of scholarly attention. That is a serious gap, as much of the progress in Computer Science lies on the basis of computer programs, the people who write them, and the concepts and tools available to them to express computational tasks. The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming aims at closing this gap by focusing primarily on programming: the art itself (programming styles, pearls, models, languages), the emerging science of understanding what works and what doesn’t work in general and in specific contexts, as well as more established engineering and mathematical perspectives. This is an example of and a guide to writing articles for The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming.

Research paper template for undergraduate research projects in the Civil Engineering Programme, University of Bristol.


Atualizações código fonte e markdown

LaTeX-template for graduation work of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Modelo base de artigo a utilizar para o evento ESTG MASTERS
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