% Some very useful LaTeX packages include:
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% declare the path(s) where your graphic files are
% and their extensions so you won't have to specify these with
% every instance of \includegraphics
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% Right-aligned column in tabularx
% new commands
% Title
\title{Computer Engineering Thesis Guidelines}
% Author
\author{John Doe}
% Committee members
% Enter as \committee{Member Name, Designation}{Department}. Advisor should be the first committee member.
% e.g., \committee{David C. Anastasiu, Ph.D.}{Department of Computer Engineering}
\committee{Advisor Name, Ph.D.}{Department of Computer Engineering}
\committee{Committee Member Name, Ph.D.}{Department of Committee Member}
\committee{Committee Member Name, Ph.D.}{Department of Committee Member}
% Graduation month [[ Defaults to May ]]
% Copyright/Graduation year [[ Defaults to current year]]
% \copyrightyear{2018}
% Include optional acknowledgments from file acknowledgments.tex [[ Comment out if not needed ]]
% Either acknowledgments or dedication page is recommended.
% Include optional acknowledgments from file acknowledgments.tex [[ Uncomment if needed. ]]
% Either acknowledgments or dedication page is recommended.
% \dedication{dedication}
% Include optional abbreviations from file abbreviations.tex. [[ Uncomment if needed. ]]
% \abbreviations{abbreviations}
% Include optional appendices from file appendices.tex. [[ Uncomment if needed. ]]
% Nothing should be added here. Instead, edit the files
% abstract.tex, acknwledgements.tex, abbreviations.tex, sections.tex, and appendices.tex,
% and comment/uncomment the appropriate preamble macros as necessary.
% Note that the sections.tex and abstract.tex are mandatory.