overleaf template galleryLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

這是根據中學生網站規定的小論文格式設計的小論文模板 編譯時請選擇使用 XeLaTeX 編譯器。 欲閱讀 README 文件至 https://hackmd.io/@coke5151/rJz_LM3cc 或本人部落格 https://junqi.netlify.app/latexsmallessaytemplate 影音教學 https://youtu.be/3Q4QSGgzqMs

Exam Template of the Chair of Technical Information Systems

Template para submissão de artigos na revista PODes - Pesquisa Operacional para o Desenvolvimento. Eventuais alterações devem ser verificadas pelos autores no site: https://www.podesenvolvimento.org.br/podesenvolvimento/information/authors

A single-column CV for academics. It includes conditional compilation tags for showing/hiding fields with personal information (e.g., phone number, Gmail, Skype) and professional references. Page margins are also customizable.

Official template for LaTeX submissions to Mary Ann Liebert Publishers journals, particularly the journal Soft Robotics. This template was downloaded from the official submission website and has not been modified in any way.

шаблон статьи для журнала https://bm.kaznu.kz/

EPTCS Style distribution v1.7.0 released May 23, 2022. This template project contains: the EPTCS LaTeX style file eptcs.cls: current version 1.7 (2022/05/20), the EPTCS bibliography style file eptcs.bst and three variants, the file example.tex with instructions for both, also serving as an example template, and a bibliography file generic.bib that is called from example.tex. See http://www.style.eptcs.org for more. Please file any issues at https://github.com/EPTCS/style.

RPA- Relatório de Planejamento e Atividades

Different sticky notes you can use in your text. Just copy and paste the code for the notes you want to use in your project. This template also includes a NB command \NB that may be useful (in combination with the notes).
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