% This style of this thesis is based on the thesis proposal required to be submitted at the start of the Master's thesis project in the Artificial Intelligence program.
% It has been updated with the new high-res banner for the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and includes, among other features, a contents page, an acknowledgements page, and appendices.
% Author: Manvi Agarwal
% Last modified: 15 December 2020
\usepackage{wrapfig} % inline figures
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\usepackage{pslatex} % Use PostScript Fonts
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% Here I keep the left and right margins equal. You can choose to have unequal margins if you want a two-sided book effect.
top = 1.5cm,
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right = 2.00cm,
includeheadfoot]{geometry} % Use similar margins to the Word Template
% Define the page styles
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% \fancyhead[C]{\includegraphics{images/banner.png}}
\fancyhead[RE,LO]{Chapter \leftmark}
% include bibliography in table of contents
% Stylistic note: I use `\\` at the end of every paragraph to give some space between two paragraphs because I think it looks neater. You can change the inter-paragraph spacing by using
% \setlength{\parskip}{1em} [Note that this may affect how the lines in the content pages are spaced]
% instead of `\\` at the end of each paragraph
% or you can leave it out altogether if you want no spacing between paragraphs
% Begin the actual document
{\Huge Credit Assignment for\\
\vspace{2mm}Surrogate Gradient Learning Rules\\
\vspace{4mm}in Spiking Neural Networks}
\vspace{10cm}{\LARGE Manvi Agarwal}
{\bf{\large University of Groningen}}\\
\vspace{1cm}{\bf{\large Credit Assignment for Surrogate Gradient\\\vspace{1mm}Learning Rules in Spiking Neural Networks}}\\
\vspace{2cm}{\bf Master's Thesis}\\
\vspace{0.5cm}To fulfill the requirements for the degree of\\Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence\\
at University of Groningen under the supervision of\\
Prof. dr. L.R.B. Schomaker (Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen)\\
Prof. dr. Tamalika Banerjee (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen)\\
\vspace{3cm}{\bf Manvi Agarwal (s1234567)}\\
\thispagestyle{acknowledgements} % remove this if you want `CONTENTS' to appear in the header of the first Contents page