CERN Poster Template
M. Koopmans
Last Updated
8 months ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for CERN Poster based on the baposter class by Brian Amberg and Reinhold Kainhofer (see
% landscape,
% load packages
% already loaded some useful packages for figures, tables and layout
% not all are needed to run this minimal example
% add additional packages you need here
% for now usig bibitem, but if you want ...
% customizing
\newcommand\e{\cdot 10^}
% define cern blue
\definecolor{cernblue}{cmyk}{100,75,0,0} %for text / color / logo
% fonts
% options
columns=6, % for flexibility changing 2/3 columns with columnspan
headerColorOne=cernblue, %white,
% for rectangular boxes change the next two options, rectangular header will cause left aligning of box title
textborder=rounded, %rectangle,
headershape=rounded, %rectangle,
%eyecatcher ...
%poster title
% first put graphics for header
\begin{picture}(23.7, 3)
\put(-0.196, -0.6){\colorbox{cernblue}{\rule[96pt]{675.82pt}{0pt}}}
% minipage box for title and authors
\put(2.55, 2.35){
% centering
% Title
% use \LARGE instead of \Huge for long titles, you might need to modify distances or number of lines
% for one line title
%\ \vspace{0.15cm}\\
%\huge\bf\color{white}\selectfont Single Line Title \vspace{0.4cm}\\
% for two line title
\huge\bf\color{white}\selectfont First Title Line \\
\huge\bf\selectfont Second Title Line \vspace{0.15cm} \\
% Authors, main author first will be underlined, you might need to modify distances or number of lines
% three lines
%\small\underline{Main Author}, B.\ Author, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland \\
%\small C.\ Author, Institute \\
%\small D.\ Author, Institute
% two lines
\small\underline{Main Author}, B.\ Author, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland \\
\small C.\ Author, Institute \\
% cern logo
% left:
% right:
%% DO NOT FORGET to replace QR code link and Poster ID !
% % poster id + qr code, for example at IPAC
% Modify links!!!
% left
\put(0.2,-0.25){\large\bf\color{white}Poster ID}
% right
%\put(21.02,-0.25){\large\bf\color{white}Poster ID}
%poster authors, already in title
%logo, already in title
% three part footnote box with references, logos, contact infos
\headerbox{}{headershape=rectangle, name=foottext, column=0, span=6, above=bottom, textborder=none, borderColor=cernblue, boxheaderheight=1pt}{
% 1. minipage for references
$\quad$\textbf{\small\color{cernblue}KEY REFERENCES}\footnotesize\\
first reference
second reference
% 2. minipage for logos
% modify to show your partners and current conference logo!
$\quad$\textbf{\small\color{cernblue}ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND PARTNERS}\\$\;$\\
% 3. mini page for contact info
$\quad$\textbf{\small\color{cernblue}MORE INFORMATION} \vspace{0.15cm}\\
% DO NOT FORGET to replace link by link to your or cern website!
% insert your details!
\textbf{Main Author}\\
CERN -- XX Department \\
Group \\
Section \\$\;$\\\\
%Fon: +xx xxxxx xxxxx\\
% replace link by link to your or cern website!
% and now the standard boxes on the poster
% choose between 2 or 3 column layout here!
% for 2 column layout use column=0 and column=3, respectively (always span=3)
% for 3 column layout use column=0, column=2 and column=4, respectively (always span=2)
% or go with 6 columns and column span ...
% in the following is here a simple example for two column layout with
% three boxes on the left: motivation, left box 1, left box 2 and
% two boxes on the right: large right box, summary
\headerbox{Motivation}{name=motivation, column=0, row=0, span=3}{
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, leftmargin=10pt]
\item Motivation
\headerbox{Left box 1}{name=vmeas, span=3, below=motivation, column=0}{
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, leftmargin=10pt]
\item left box under motivation
\item \vspace{8cm}
\headerbox{Left box 2}{name=2ddiag, span=3, below=vmeas, above=foottext, column=0}{
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, leftmargin=10pt]
\item Left box above footer
\headerbox{Large right Box}{name=resolution, span=3, row=0, column=3}{
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, leftmargin=10pt]
\item Large right box above summary
\item \vspace{15cm}
\headerbox{Summary and Outlook}{name=summary, span=3, below=resolution, above=foottext, column=3}{
\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, leftmargin=10pt]
\item summary
\item outlook