%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Thesis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%==================== Document Class =======================================%%
% Document class, adjust for different printing/PDF creation modes
%%==================== Document Info ========================================%%
\newcommand{\tname}{Your Name Here}
\newcommand{\tdegrees}{BE (Hons 1)} % optional - define to put degree(s) on title page
% Comment on degrees: Since a thesis is an academic document you probably should
% put your previous degrees after your name, regardless of where they are from.
% The convention is that if a degree is not from your current university you
% should include the abbreviated name of the awarding university. There are
% lists of standard abbreviations of university names (where?). By convention
% you do not put the discipline area, only the degree. For example,
% Tariq Abuhahsim BSc (Uni Name), MSc (Uni Name)
\newcommand{\ttitle}{Your Long Thesis Title Goes Here and May Extend Over Two Lines}
\newcommand{\tdoctype}{PhD Thesis}
\newcommand{\tdepartment}{Australian Centre for Field Robotics}
\newcommand{\tschool}{School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering}
\newcommand{\tinstitution}{The University of Sydney}
\newcommand{\tdegree}{Doctor of Philosophy}
\newcommand{\tdateSubmitted}{28 March 2013}
\newcommand{\tmonthAndYearSubmitted}{March 2013}
% Define the following two when you are creating the final post-examination version
\newcommand{\tdateRevised}{22 July 2013}
\newcommand{\tmonthAndYearRevised}{July 2013}
\newcommand{\tkeywords}{your, keywords, go, here}
%%==================== Citation and Reference Style =========================%%
% Choose a reference style from: {apa-like, ieee} or adjust natbib and
% bibliography settings yourself if you prefer something else.
%%==================== Included Packages ====================================%%
% If you need to include extra packages, put them into this file; you may want
% or need to remove some packages from the list if conflicts arise from those
% you add.
%%==================== Document Layout ======================================%%
% This defines a variety of internal latex whitespace lengths (line spacing,
% margins, magic numbers for automatic layout of floating environments). You
% may need to modify this slightly depending on how you're binding the
% document, and whether you print single or double sided.
%%==================== Local Package Includes ===============================%%
% Some macros and environment definitions that are used in the template are in
% here. Add your own, either by modifying commands.tex or \input{}ing your own
% tex file.
%%==================== Document Start =======================================%%
% Document starts here! Everything before this is just configuration...
%%==================== Setup for Headers for Chapters =======================%%
% Chapter headers are slightly different from the headers in the front matter.
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
\rhead[\fancyplain{}{\nouppercase\leftmark}]{\fancyplain{}{\thepage}} \cfoot{}
%%==================== Front Matter =========================================%%
% Everything prior to chapter 1
%%==================== Chapters =============================================%%
% Adjust the file names below to point to the main chapter .tex file for each
% chapter, and don't forget to update the relative paths inside the files
% within chapters as you rename directories! All paths are relative to the
% location of THIS file, Thesis.tex.
\include{ChapterIntro/Intro} % Chapter 1
\include{ChapterLiteratureReview/LiteratureReview} % Chapter 2
\include{ChapterPerception/Perception} % Chapter 3
\include{ChapterEstimation/Estimation} % Chapter 4
\include{ChapterExperiments/Experiments} % Chapter 5
\include{ChapterConclusion/Conclusion} % Chapter 6
%%==================== List of References ===================================%%
% Note that the List of References goes after the chapters but before the
% appendices. A Bibliography can contain references that are general
% background reading and are not cited in the text. A References or List of
% References section must contain only references that are cited in the text.
% Change to "Bibliography" in commands.tex if you wish and if appropriate.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of References} % or "Bibliography"
% acfrplainnat is a slightly modified version of plainnat from the natbib package.
% I (AH) removed URLs from the output, since this seems unnecessary or a poorly
% used field, and adjusted 'misc' to make more sense for the way I used it.
% Bibliography styles supported by this template are apa-like (default) and ieee
{\bibliographystyle{BibTeX/acfrplainnat}} % IEEE-like style (or use plainnat)
{\bibliographystyle{BibTeX/apalike}} % APA-like style (or use apalikeAkkaNat)
\begin{raggedright} % because you often get ugly whitespace if justified...
%%==================== Appendices ===========================================%%
% Appendices are almost exactly the same as chapters; the only difference is
% that they come after the \appendix command below.
\appendix % Switches from 'Chapter #' to 'Appendix X' chapter titles