LaTeX templates and examples — Polish

Poznan University of Economics and Business dissertation or thesis template. This is the official template, satisfying the PUEB requirements specified in the Resolution of the University Senate No. 65 of December 20, 2019, Annex No. 4

Prosta praca naukowa

The official template for the typesetting of diploma theses at the Faculty of Computer Science of AGH University of Krakow.

Szablon pracy dyplomowej dla kierunku Sztuczna Inteligencja i Uczenie Maszynowe prowadzonego przez Instytut Informatyki Stosowanej Politechniki Łódzkiej

Template for diploma thesis on Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics, and Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology. Based on PUT Dissertation Templates by Dawid Weiss & Marta Szachniuk

Letter template conforming to Polish writing style (polski szablon LaTeX-a dla oficjalnego listu). This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019.
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