A gallery of up-to-date and stylish LaTeX templates, examples to help you learn LaTeX, and papers and presentations published by our community. Search or browse below.
Esta es una guía para la preparación de artículos a enviarse al Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía número 65 (BAAA65), que además puede utilizarse como macro. El presente será el único formato aceptado de los artículos recibidos por los editores. Su envío deberá hacerse exclusivamente mediante el Sistema de Gestión de Manuscritos SIGMA.
Plantilla en LaTeX para tesis de pregrado de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), adaptado específicamente al formato de la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas (FIIS)
A thesis template adapted for Algeria university's requirements (specially USTHB). The thesis divided into three main parts are:
Front matter: This part contains:
Title Page, Dedication, Acknowledgement, Abstract ( French, Arabic, and English), Table of Contents. (Without page numbering)
List of Figures, Tables, Algorithms and Nomenclature.(Page numbering is Roman)
Main matter: All the chapters of the thesis and the bibliography are included here, the page numbering Arabic was used in this part
Back matter: The appendices are included here, the page numbering alphabetic was used in this part.
This template has also the following properties:
Automatic generation of Nomenclature and its divided into Roman, Greek, Mathematical symbols and Abbreviations.
The main Language is French, but it's easy to switch to English
Files management is easy and clear
The most used packages are included in the Preamble
The title page has been updated according to USTHB requirements
An abstract template for submissions to the 12th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitons, being held in Dublin 10th-14th June 2024.
Paul Eastham. Based on the PNLD2023 template by Dhrubajyoti Biswas, Samana Pranesh, Sayan Gupta