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The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a NASA long-duration balloon experiment with the primary goal of detecting ultra-high-energy (\(> 10^{18}\)eV) neutrinos via the Askaryan Effect. In the fourth ANITA mission, the Tunable Universal Filter Frontend (TUFF) boards were deployed for mitigation of narrow-band, anthropogenic noise with tunable, switchable notch filters. They contributed to a factor of 2.8 higher total instrument livetime in ANITA-4 compared to ANITA-3. A search for a diffuse flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos was conducted using the data collected during the ANITA-3 flight with a new approach where the Antarctic ice area is sectioned off into bins and a search is performed with different thresholds in different bins. The binned analysis methods were extended to the development of a search for neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts, implementing constraints in time, and for the first time, in direction. Lower analysis thresholds were achieved in a feasibility search even when extending the search to include longer afterglow periods. Authored with osudiss-2.cls (v0.9.1)

Some universities require softcopy of theses to comply with the PDF/A-1b standard. While the pdfx package is commonly used for creating PDF/A and PDF/X files, it has some shortcomings and the output file sometimes still isn't fully compliant with PDF/A-1b. This package provides an alternative method for this purpose. The original package can be found here.

Soumya Madhava's CV

Template para dissertação, plano de trabalho e demais entregas oficiais do Proficam.

abtex2-tcc-ufvjm.tex, abntex2-tcc-ufvjm.sty v-0.0.1 unixelias, Copyright 2012-2016 by abnTeX2 group at http://www.abntex.net.br/ Revisão para adequação ao MANUAL DE NORMALIZAÇÃO: MONOGRAFIAS, DISSERTAÇÕES E TESES Aprovado pela Resolução Nº 06 - CONSEPE, de 09 de julho de 2015. Esse trabalho considera as normas dispostas no Manual de Normatização: Monografias, Dissertações e Teses 2a. ed., distribuído pelo Sistema de Bibliotecas – Sisbi da UFVJM. Link: http://acervo.ufvjm.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/936

While this is not a formal template of how your thesis should be submitted, this has been used for writing theses that have been submitted and approved successfully. Also contains examples of pages in Hebrew.

Modelo de TCC Confeccionado para Edital conforme normas ABNT - NBR 14724 Template ajustado por Francisco Reinaldo (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6161-6755) (http://lattes.cnpq.br/7401534350061823) New Branch: 26/jun/18 v5 Agradeço a Overleaf pela oportunidade.

This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. CRITICAL: Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract.

We study the the birth of non farming enterprise in the developing world. We test if such activities are led by skills or are an ex-post income smoothing device for uninsured households. We find that farmers become entrepreneurs in response to negative productivity shocks to farming, while credit constraints do not seem to play a substantial role. Importantly, and consistently with irreversible investment or learning-by-doing, these reluctant entrepreneurs do not revert to full farming following new positive productivity shocks. These entrepreneurs are typically under performing entrepreneurs while they were above average farmers. This selection might contribute to the understanding of the dual phenomenon of low-productivity units coexisting in developing countries.
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