Utkarsh Kumar's CV
Utkarsh Kumar
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Utkarsh Kumar's CV

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Utkarsh Kumar's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{CS} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\address{Room 176, Hostel 7}{IIT Bombay}{Mumbai, India}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\phone[mobile]{+91 8419957415} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
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\email{utkarshk@cse.iitb.ac.in} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
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%----- resume ---------------------------------------------------------
\small{Final year undergraduate at IIT Bombay pursuing a major in Computer Science and Engineering with honors, applying for masters in Computer Science}
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% {\textbf{Homepage:} \url{www.cse.iitb.ac.in/\textasciitilde utkarshk}}
\cventry{2013-17}{}{Bachelor of Technology with Honors}{\textmd{8.81/10.0}}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item[] Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
\cventry{2013}{}{Intermediate/+2}{\textmd{93.20\%}}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item[] Munam Public School, Hazaribagh (CBSE)
\cventry{2011}{}{Matriculation}{\textmd{10.0/10.0}}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item[] DAV Public School, Hazaribagh (CBSE)
\section{Internships and Research Projects}
\cventry{Ongoing}{Guide: Prof Mythili Vutukuru, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Undergraduate Thesis: SDN load generator}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item Developing a client-server based load generator for testing SDN and NFV based EPC implementations
\item Will be capable of generating traffic conforming to various transport layer protocols
\item Employing \textbf{multi-threaded} programming to simulate multiple users for load generation
\cventry{Summer 2016}{Guide: Kuldeep Yadav, Xerox Research Centre India}{Countering device heterogeneity for Human Activity Recognition}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item Devised a mechanism to counter device heterogeneity for human activity recognition by mobile sensors
\item Analyzed various time and frequency domain features on accelerometer and gyroscope readings
\item Used \textbf{canonical-correlation analysis} to project the datasets onto a common subspace
\item Identified device pairs that achieved an \textbf{improvement of 33\%} in the F1-score of cross-validation
\cventry{Summer 2015}{Guide: Nishit Aggarwal \& Aashish Prakash, American Express, Gurgaon, India}{Identifying Premium Revolving Customers at Acquisition}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.3em}
\item Analyzed tradeline level data to manufacture custom customer features for modeling
\item Modeled the data using big data \textbf{machine learning techniques} such as Gradient Boosting
\item Achieved an overall \textbf{60\% accuracy} with \textbf{72\% recall} of targets
\section{Scholastic Achievements}
% \vspace{6pt}
\item Secured \textbf{All India Rank 5} in JEE Advanced 2013 among \textbf{150,000} candidates
\item Secured \textbf{99.99} percentile in JEE Main 2013 among {1.3 million} students
\item Awarded \textbf{Bihar Gaurav 2013} by Bihar Government for exceptional performance in JEE 2013
\item Awarded \textbf{AP grade} in Computer Programming and Utilization course for exceptional performance, given to \textbf{11 students out of 532}
\section{Key Academic Projects}
\cventry{Autumn 2016 (ongoing)}{Guide: Prof Sunita Sarawagi, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Coloring Grayscale Images using CNNs}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Employing convolutional neural networks to add color to grayscale images
\cventry{Autumn 2016}{Guide: Prof Sunita Sarawagi, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Handwritten Devnagri Character Recognition}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Designed and developed a convolutional neural network to recognize handwritten devnagri characters
\item Achieved \textbf{85\% accuracy} using Adam optimizer and L2-regularization
\cventry{Autumn 2016 (ongoing)}{Guide: Prof Purushottam Kulkarni, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Efficient Heuristics for Ballooning in KVM}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Designing smart memory usage based heuristics to determine parameters for ballooning service in KVM
\cventry{Spring 2016}{Guide: Prof Amitabha Sanyal, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Compiler for a C-like Language}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Developed a compiler for a subset of C using \textit{Flexc++} and \textit{Bisonc++}
\item Supports all major C features like function calls, recursion, multidimensional arrays and function call nesting
\item Incorporated syntactic and semantic checks and lazy evaluation
\cventry{Autumn 2015}{Guide: Prof G Sivakumar, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Markov Text Generator}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Developed a Python \textbf{Markov text generator} that employs n-gram model and smoothing techniques
\item Learned document model from corpus and generated new meaningful sentences similar to corpus text
\cventry{Autumn 2015}{Guide: Prof N L Sarda, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Project Management Tool}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Developed a web portal as an enterprise solution for project management in a hierarchical setting
\item Included features like user teams, file upload with a \textbf{JDBC, PostgreSQL} back-end and JSP based UI
\cventry{Autumn 2015}{Guide: Prof Nutan Limaye, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Program Checking}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Presented a seminar on efficient probabilistic program checker and characterization of conforming languages
\cventry{Autumn 2014}{Guide: Prof Sharat Chandran, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Seat Allocation Portal}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Implemented modified \textbf{Gale-Shapely algorithm} in Java for allocating college admissions
\item Developed a \textbf{Django} based web portal that accepted preferences and allotted programmes
\cventry{Autumn 2015}{Guide: Prof N L Sarda, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{ToyDB extension}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Implemented \textbf{external merge sort} and \textbf{hash join} operations on ToyDB
% \cventry{Autumn 2015}{Guide: Prof Mythili Vutukuru, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Shell based Client and File Server}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
% \item Implemented a multi-threaded file server with a bash-like shell with most basic Linux commands
% \vspace{-1pt}
% \item Incorporated features like pipe, I/O redirection, signal handling, foreground and background processes
% }
\cventry{Autumn 2014}{Guide: Prof Ganesh Ramakrishnan, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Statistical Inferences from Text}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Developed a Python program to make statistically useful conclusions from English sentences
% \item Made use of existing knowledge base and indicators to extract the relations in the sentence
% \vspace{-1pt}
\item Decided confidence values of predictions using standard distributions
\cventry{Spring 2016}{Guide: Prof Bhaskaran Raman, CSE Dept, IIT Bombay}{Text2Sound}{}{}{ \setlength{\itemindent}{.2in} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item Developed an android app that encodes text to audio signals and vice-versa using frequency shift keying
\section{Technical Strengths}
\item \textbf{Programming Languages:} C/C++, Python, Prolog, Bash, Java
\item \textbf{Development:} Android, HTML, CSS, Django, PHP, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, JavaScript
\item \textbf{Others:} \LaTeX, Matlab, MIPS-Assembly, SAS, Scilab, R, Wireshark
\section{Positions of Responsibility}
\item \textbf{Teaching assistant} for courses like \textit{Computer Programming} (\textbf{thrice}) and \textit{Logic Design} (once)
\item \textbf{Internship Coordinator} (\textit{Placement Cell 2015-16, IIT Bombay}): Involved in the communication and scheduling of companies and universities and assisting them in recruiting students for internships
\item \textbf{DAVP Volunteer}: Prepared questions and conducted weekly \textit{Data Structures and Algorithms} tutorials for sophomores
\section{Additional Courses Undertaken}
\item[] Foundations of Machine Learning, Advanced Machine Learning, Virtualization \& Cloud Computing, Network Security \& Cryptography, Wireless Networks, Computational Complexity
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