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\title{The addition formulas for the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions via linear algebra}
\author{David Radcliffe}
We present a geometric proof of the addition formulas for the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions,
using elementary properties of linear transformations.
By analogy with the unit circle, the \emph{unit hyperbola} is the set of points in the plane satisfying
the equation $x^2 - y^2 = 1$. The hyperbola is not connected -- it has two branches. The right branch ($x > 0$)
is parameterized by $x = \cosh t$ and $y = \sinh t$ for $t \in \mathbb{R}$.
A \emph{hyperbolic sector} is the curvilinear triangular region bounded by an arc of the hyperbola and by two
line segments from the origin to the endpoints of the arc. If $t > 0$ then the area of the hyperbolic
sector bounded by the arc from $(1, 0)$ to $(\cosh t, \sinh t)$ is $t/2$.
This fact about hyperbolic sectors provides a $\emph{geometric}$ definition of the hyperbolic sine and
cosine functions.
The hyperbolic sine and cosine functions satisfy addition rules that are strikingly similar to
the analogous formulas for sine and cosine.
\cosh (s+t) &= \cosh s \cosh t + \sinh s \sinh t \\
\sinh (s+t) &= \sinh s \cosh t + \cosh s \sinh t
We will prove these formulas under the assumption that $s$ and $t$ are positive, although they are in fact
valid for all real values of $s$ and $t$.
Let $s$ and $t$ be positive real numbers. The linear transformation
$$T(x, y) = (x \cosh t + y \sinh t, x \sinh t + y \cosh t)$$
preserves the right branch of the unit hyperbola $$x^2-y^2=1$$
and it preserves areas since $\det T = 1$.
Let $A$ be the hyperbolic sector bounded by the arc from $(1, 0)$ to $(\cosh s, \sinh s)$, and
let $B$ be the hyperbolic sector bounded by the arc from $(1, 0)$ to $(\cosh t, \sinh t)$.
Note that $A$ has area $s/2$, and $B$ has area $t/2$.
The image $A' := T(A)$ is a hyperbolic sector since $T$ preserves the right branch of the unit hyperbola;
and it has area $s/2$ since $T$ preserves areas. $A'$ is bounded by the arc from
$T(1,0) = (\cosh t, \sinh t)$
$$T(\cosh s, \sinh s) = (\cosh s \cosh t + \sinh s \sinh t,\ \sinh s \cosh t + \cosh s \sinh t).$$
Now, $A' \cup B$ is a hyperbolic sector, bounded by the arc from $(1, 0)$ to
$$(\cosh s \cosh t + \sinh s \sinh t,\ \sinh s \cosh t + \cosh s \sinh t).$$
Since the area of $A'\cup B$ is $(s+t)/2$, the upper endpoint can be expressed as
$$(\cosh (s+t),\ \sinh (s+t)).$$
$$\cosh (s+t) = \cosh s \cosh t + \sinh s \sinh t$$
$$\sinh (s+t) = \sinh s \cosh t + \cosh s \sinh t.$$