Heavy Resume
Syed Misbah
Last Updated:
7 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Created based on the Deedy résumé template

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Created based on the Deedy résumé template
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Original author:
% Syed Misbah Ahmed (http://syedmisbah.github.io)
% Original repository:
% This template uses several fonts not included with Windows/Linux by
% default. If you get compilation errors saying a font is missing, find the line
% on which the font is used and either change it to a font included with your
% operating system or comment the line out to use the default font.
% 1. Integrate biber/bibtex for article citation under publications.
% 2. Figure out a smoother way for the document to flow onto the next page.
% 3. Add styling information for a "Projects/Hacks" section.
% 4. Add location/address information
% 5. Merge OpenFont and MacFonts as a single sty with options.
% v1.1:
% 1. Fixed several compilation bugs with \renewcommand
% 2. Got Open-source fonts (Windows/Linux support)
% 3. Added Last Updated
% 4. Move Title styling into .sty
% 5. Commented .sty file.
% Known Issues:
% 1. Overflows onto second page if any column's contents are more than the
% vertical limit
% 2. Hacky space on the first bullet point on the second column.
\namesection{Syed}{Misbah}{ \urlstyle{same}\url{syedmisbah.github.io} \\
\href{mailto:misbahahmed0001@gmail.com}{misbahahmed0001@gmail.com} | +91-9066665419
% \descript{B.E in Electronics \& Instrumentation}
% \subsection{BIT Bangalore, VTU }
% \location{July 2017 | Bangalore, IN \\ Cum. GPA: N/A}
% \sectionsep
\descript{B.E in Electronics \& Instrumentation}
\location{BIT Bangalore, VTU}
July 2017 \\
\location{ First Class with Distinction}
\descript{Carmel Junior College}
Grad. May 2012 | Jamshedpur, India \\
\location{10th GPA 3.89 | 12th GPA 3.78}
\location{Over 5000 lines:}
Python \textbullet{} R \textbullet{} SQL \textbullet{} Java \\
\location{Over 1000 lines:}
C \textbullet{} C++ \textbullet{} CSS \textbullet{} HTML \textbullet{} CSS \textbullet{} \\ Assembly \\
\textbullet{} Javascript \textbullet{} Android
Digital Image Processing \\
Software Engineering \\
Github:// \href{https://github.com/syedmisbah}{\custombold{syedmisbah}} \\
LinkedIn:// \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/syedmisbah}{\custombold{syedmisbah}} \\
Quora:// \href{https://www.quora.com/Syed-Misbah-1}{\custombold{Syed-Misbah}}
2017 | Academic Excellence Award \\
2016 | 2nd | International Engg. Quiz \\
% 2011 & National & Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO) Finalist \\
% 2010 & National & Comp. Soc. of India's National Programming Contest\\
\runsubsection{Mu SIGMA}
\descript{| Trainee Decision Scientist}
\location{August 2017 – | Bangalore, IN}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Hands on experience in the field of Decision Sciences for solving \\ business problems in Food retail, Consumer Retail, Digital Marketing \\ and airline domains.
\item Proficient in providing end to end solution for data extraction, \\ manipulation and modeling procedures
\item Adept in handling large datasets using SQL workbench to pre-process \\ data and also in generating reports in a deadline-driven environment
\item Worked on multiple customer segmentation and revenue \\ impact measurement projects using statistical techniques \\ like CHAID and Linear Regression, \\ helping the client in optimizing costs by identifying potential areas with maximum ROI
% \runsubsection{Google}
% \descript{| Software Engineering Intern }
% \location{May 2013 – Aug 2013 | Mountain View, CA}
% \begin{tightemize}
% \item Worked on the YouTube Captions team in primarily vanilla Javascript and Python to plan, design and develop the full stack implementation of a new framework to add and edit Automatic Speech Recognition captions.
% \item Created a backbone.js-like framework for the Captions editor.
% \item All code was reviewed, perfected, and pushed to production.
% \end{tightemize}
% \sectionsep
\runsubsection{Tinplate Company of India}
\descript{| Summer Intern \& Team Leader}
\location{Jan 2015 – Feb 2015 | Jamshedpur, IN }
\item Collected and cleaned data from temperature and pressure sensors on the coil preparation line using OpenRefine
\item Designed and tuned the PID controller of 6-Hi Mill compressor using
Ifix SCADA/HMI to regulate cold rolled coil sheet thickness
\item Led a team from NIT Jamshedpur, NIT Kurukshetra for the project.
\runsubsection{Department of Aersopace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science}
\descript{| Head Undergrad Research}
\location{Aug 2016 – Dec 2016 | Bangalore, IN}
Worked with \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ashesh/}{Ashesh Jain}} and \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asaxena/}{Prof Ashutosh Saxena}} to create \textbf{XTraktor}, a tool which
extracts roads from aerial images using SVM. Publication submitted.
% \runsubsection{Cornell Phonetics Lab}
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
% \location{Mar 2012 – May 2013 | Ithaca, NY}
% Lead the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research. Publication submitted.
% \sectionsep
% \section{Awards}
% \begin{tabular}{rll}
% 2014 & top 52/2500 & KPCB Engineering Fellow\\
% 2014 & 2\textsuperscript{nd} most points & Google Code Jam, Qualification Round\\
% 2014 & 1\textsuperscript{st}/50 & Microsoft Coding Competition, Cornell\\
% 2013 & National & Jump Trading Challenge Finalist\\
% 2013 & 7\textsuperscript{th}/120 & CS 3410 Cache Race Bot Tournament \\
% 2012 & 2\textsuperscript{nd}/150 & CS 3110 Biannual Intra-Class Bot Tournament \\
% 2011 & National & Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO) Finalist \\
% 2010 & National & Comp. Soc. of India's National Programming Contest\\
% \end{tabular}
% \sectionsep
% \section{Societies}
% \begin{tabular}{rll}
% 2014 & top 12\%ile & Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society\\
% 2014 & National & The Global Leadership and Education Forum (tGELF)\\
% 2012 & National & Golden Key International Honor Society\\
% 2012 & National & National Society of Collegiate Scholars\\
% \end{tabular}
% \sectionsep
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