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% My thanks to Dana Ernst of Northern Arizona University
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\title{\bf{Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization \\and QR Decomposition }}
%\subtitle{Version 3.0---Final Version}
\author{Mohammad Umar Rehman \\ PhD Student, Control Group, \\ EE Department, IIT Delhi \\ \tt{umar.ee.iitd@gmail.com}} % replace with your name
\date{} % for a fixed date, uncomment this line and replace date, otherwise, today's date will be used.
\noindent \textbf{Abstract} A very quick and easy to understand introduction to Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization (Orthonormalization) and how to obtain QR decomposition of a matrix using it. A basic background in linear algebra is assumed. \\
\noindent \textbf{Aim} Given a basis $\mathbb{B}$ of a vector subspace $\mathbf{V}$ spanned by vectors $\{v_1, v_2, \dotso, v_{n}\}$ it is required to find an orthonormal basis $\{q_1, q_2, \dotso, q_{n}\}$ (A basis that is orthogonal with unit length of constituent vectors). Thus, \[ q_\mathrm{i}^\mathrm{T}q_\mathrm{j} = \left\{
1, & \quad i=j \\
0, & \quad i\neq j
Note that span$\{v_1, v_2, \dotso, v_{n}\} = \textrm{span}\{q_1, q_2, \dotso, q_{n}\}$ (successive spanning) \\
Lets start with one vector $v_1$, normalize this to obtain vector $q_1$ as
q_1 = \frac{v_1}{\left\lVert v_1 \right\Vert}
Now, lets include another vector, $v_2$ to the picture (See Fig. 1) \footnote{This is an improved version of the document with the figures included, it would have been better if a successive series of figures were included showing the process step by step. An animation of the GS process can be found on Wikipedia here: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram-Schmidt_process} \\ Please contact for any clarifications, or found errors. Thanks!}. We have already obtained $q_1$, now we need $q_2$, which can be obtained by normalizing a vector that is orthogonal to $v_1 (q_1)$. Suppose, this vector is $\tilde{v}_2$. By triangle law of vectors, it can be seen that
$$\tilde{v}_2 = v_2 - v_1$$
But, to be more formal in lines with the algorithm we write $\tilde{v}_2$ as
\begin{equation}\tilde{v}_2 = v_2 - \mathrm{proj}_{v_1} \left(v_2\right) = v_2 - \left\langle v_2,q_1 \right\rangle q_1
and, \[q_2 = \frac{\tilde{v}_2}{\left\lVert \tilde{v}_2 \right\Vert} \]
where, $\left\langle a,b \right\rangle = a^\mathrm{T} b$ is the inner product.\\
\caption{Obtaining an orthonormal basis--2D case}
Going one step further we include $v_3$ and proceed on similar lines to obtain $\tilde{v}_3$ as
\tilde{v}_3 &= v_3 - \mathrm{proj}_{q_1} \left(v_3\right) - \mathrm{proj}_{q_2} \left(v_3\right) \\
&= v_3 - \left\langle v_3, q_1 \right\rangle q_1 - \left\langle v_3, q_2 \right\rangle q_2 \\ q_3 &= \tilde{v}_3 / \left\lVert \tilde{v}_3 \right\rVert
\caption{Obtaining an orthonormal basis--3D case}
\tilde{v}_4 = v_4 - \left\langle v_4, q_1 \right\rangle q_1 - \left\langle v_4, q_2 \right\rangle q_2 - \left\langle v_4, q_3 \right\rangle q_3 , \,\, q_4 = \tilde{v}_4 / \left\lVert \tilde{v}_4 \right\rVert
\noindent So, this process continues and we are in a position to write the expression for $\tilde{v}_{n}$
\tilde{v}_{n} = v_{n} - \left\langle v_{n}, q_1 \right\rangle q_1 - \left\langle v_{n}, q_2 \right\rangle q_2 - \cdots -\left\langle v_{n}, q_{n-1} \right\rangle q_{n-1} , \,\, q_n = \tilde{v}_n / \left\lVert \tilde{v}_n \right\rVert
In compact form,
\tilde{v}_{n} = v_{n} - \sum_{i = 0}^{n-1}\left\langle v_{n},q_\mathrm{i} \right\rangle q_\mathrm{i}
\noindent Hence, we have obtained an orthonormal basis from a regular basis for the vector subspace \textbf{V}.
\noindent \textbf{Obtaining QR decomposition} \\
Now, let us rearrange the equations (1) to (5) in terms of $v$'s only
v_1 &=& \quad \left\lVert v_1 \right\Vert q_1 \\
v_2 &=& \left\langle v_2,q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \tilde{v}_2 = \left\langle v_2,q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \left\lVert \tilde{v}_2 \right\Vert q_2 \\
v_3 &=& \left\langle v_3,q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \left\langle v_3,q_2 \right\rangle q_2 + \tilde{v}_3 = \left\langle v_3,q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \left\langle v_3,q_2 \right\rangle q_2 + \left\lVert \tilde{v}_3 \right\Vert q_3 \\
v_4 &=& \left\langle v_4,q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \left\langle v_4,q_2 \right\rangle q_2 + \left\langle v_4,q_3 \right\rangle q_3 + \left\lVert\tilde{v}_4 \right\Vert q_4
\hspace{-2em} v_n = \left\langle v_{n}, q_1 \right\rangle q_1 + \left\langle v_{n}, q_2 \right\rangle q_2 + \cdots +\left\langle v_{n-1}, q_{n-1} \right\rangle q_{n-1} + \left\lVert\tilde{v}_{n}\right\Vert q_{n}
\noindent And rewrite these equations in the matrix form, we get
v_1 & v_2 &\dotso &v_{n} \\
q_1 & q_2 &\dotso &q_{n} \\
\left\lVert v_1 \right\rVert & \left\langle v_2,q_1 \right\rangle & \left\langle v_3,q_1 \right\rangle & \dotso & \left\langle v_{n},q_1 \right\rangle \\
0& \left\lVert \tilde{v}_2 \right\rVert & \left\langle v_3,q_2 \right\rangle & \dotso & \left\langle v_{n},q_2 \right\rangle \\
0& 0 & \left\lVert \tilde{v}_3 \right\rVert & \dotso & \left\langle v_{n},q_3 \right\rangle \\
0& 0 &0 & \ddots & \vdots \\
0& 0 &0 & \left\lVert\tilde{v}_{n-1} \right\rVert & \left\langle v_{n-1},q_{n-1} \right\rangle \\
0& 0 &0 & 0 & \left\lVert \tilde{v}_{n} \right\rVert\\
\end{bmatrix} \\
\mathrm{or}, V &= QR
Thus, we have obtained the QR decomposition of the matrix $A$ starting from the Gram-Schmidt process, where $Q$ is an orthonormal matrix and $R$ is an upper triangular matrix.
%\caption{This is a picture of math.}
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