%%%% SUBSTITUA brazil POR english OU spanish SE NECESSÁRIO %%%%
\textbf{XII Planetary Sciences Workshop, Taller 2024\\
February 26 to March 1, 2024\\
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil}\\
\textbf{Title of the Work - Times New Roman 14, Bold}
%%%% AUTHORS %%%%
\textbf{Fulano J. P. Silva}$^{1}$, Beltrano C. González$^{2,3}$, Sicrano B. Smith$^{3}$
$^{1}$ Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil\\
$^{2}$ Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina\\
$^{3}$ University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
E-mail: fulano@ufmg.br, (additional emails - optional)
This is the template for the abstract of the XII Meeting on Planetary Sciences, Taller 2024. The text should be written on an A4 page, in Times New Roman, size 11, and with a 1.15 line spacing (standard in \LaTeX). The top and bottom margins should be 2 cm, and the side margins 3 cm. The title should be centered, in bold, and size 14. Authors, affiliations, and emails should also be centered and in size 11. Leave 2 spaces of size 11 between the header and the title, 2 spaces of size 11 between the title and the authors, 1 space of size 11 between the authors and their institutions, 1 space of size 11 between the institutions and the email(s). Then, leave 2 spaces of size 11 between the email(s) and the first line of the abstract text, which should be justified and in size 11. The maximum number of words in the abstract text is 400. The name of the author presenting the work should be in bold, and the institution(s) of each author identified by superscript number(s), as exemplified. The abstract should be clear, without figures or equations, containing the motivations and interests of the work, methodologies, main results, and applications (when applicable). Finally, a few references (maximum of 3) and acknowledgments may be added optionally. Leave 2 spaces of size 11 between the text and the references, and 2 spaces of size 11 between the last reference and the acknowledgments. References and acknowledgments should also be justified and in size 11. The abstracts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English, as long as they comply with this template's instructions. You can write directly with accented characters or use the standard \LaTeX encoding. To help you size the abstract text, this example has approximately 324 words. Generate a \textbf{PDF} file and submit it using the this \href{https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3LNkrxN4aOT4ggDMunIProp0scS8lvvUr3rAAwxEhrXiSGQ/viewform}{Google Forms}. Suggestion: build your text from a copy of this file.
%%%% REFERENCES %%%%
{\bf References}\\
Author 1, et al., title, publication, edition, year. If possible, in a single line.\\
Author 2, Author 2, ......\\
Author 3, .......
{\bf Acknowledgments}\\
FAPESP, for financial support,.......