% LaTeX Resume for Software Engineers
% Author : Leslie Cheng
% License : MIT
%-------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS HERE --------------------------------------------------
% Header settings
\def \fullname {Dwight Schrute}
\def \subtitle {}
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\def \emailicon {\faEnvelope}
\def \emaillink {mailto:dschrute@dundermifflin.com}
\def \emailtext {dschrute@dundermifflin.com}
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\def \githubtext {/dwight-schrute}
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\def \websitelink {https://google.com/}
\def \websitetext {dwightschrute.com}
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% Define colours
% Defines to make listing easier
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% Adjust margins
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% Set the margin alignment
% Custom commands
% Sections
% Entry start and end, for spacing
% Itemized list for the bullet points under an entry, if necessary
% Resume item
{#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
% Entry with title, subheading, date(s), and location
\textbf{\color{primary}#1} & {\firabook\color{accent}\small#2} \\
\textit{\color{accent}\small#3} & \textit{\color{accent}\small#4} \\
% Entry with title and date(s)
\textbf{\color{primary}#1} & {\firabook\color{accent}\small#2} \\
% Entry for special (skills)
\textbf{\color{primary}#1 }{ #2 \vspace{-6pt}}
% Double column header
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{\textit{\subtitle}} % You could add a subtitle here
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{\small#6} & {\small#3}
% Single column header
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} & {
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{\small#3} \\
{\small#4} \\
{\small#5} \\
%-------------------------------------------------- BEGIN HERE --------------------------------------------------
%---------------------------------------------------- HEADER ----------------------------------------------------
\headertype{\linkedin}{\github}{\website}{\phone}{\email}{} % Set the order of items here
\vspace{-10pt} % Set a negative value to push the body up, and the opposite
%-------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------
{Scranton University}{1998 -- 1992}
{BA Business Administration}{Scranton, PA}
%-------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------
{Dunder Mifflin}{May 2013 -- Present}
{Regional Manager}{Scranton, PA}
\resumeItem {Maintained the highest sales average, despite the weak economy and obsolete product}
\resumeItem {Managed, inspired, and protected the Scranton branch from criminals and raccoons}
\resumeItem {Led the office to obtain immeasurable success and glory}
{Dunder Mifflin}{Mar. 2008 -- Mar. 2013}
{Assistant (to the) Regional Manager}{Scranton, PA}
\resumeItem {Closed more sales with revenues totalling more profit than any other employee}
\resumeItem {Served as self-appointed enforcer of The Rules (policies and procedures manual)}
\resumeItem {Instituted "Schrute Bucks" reward system, immeasurably raising office morale}
{Staples}{Mar. 2008 -- Mar. 2008}
{Sales Associate}{Scranton, PA}
\resumeItem {Became the top salesman of the store within a one-month timespan}
\resumeItem {Made a record-high sales figure despite having an unfunny boss}
\resumeItem {Provided extraordinary and exceptional customer service to the masses}
{Dunder Mifflin}{Mar. 2005 -- Mar. 2008}
{Assistant (to the) Regional Manager}{Scranton, PA}
\resumeItem {Acted as Regional Manager's eyes, ears, and right hand, overseeing and reporting on employee conduct}
\resumeItem {Provided services to the office such as martial arts and surveillance}
\resumeItem {Introduced new linen paper lines into the market, often closing sight-unseen sales}
%-------------------------------------------------- PROJECTS --------------------------------------------------
{Schrute Farms (Bed and Breakfast)}{}
\resumeItem {A beautiful resort that provides fun activites like tablemaking and mattress making.}
{Dwight Schrute's Gym for Muscles}{}
\resumeItem {A built-in gym inside the Dunder Mifflin office complex that will buy your tin for 5 cents a yard.}
{Sesame Avenue Daycare Center for Infants and Toddlers}{}
\resumeItem {A great daycare for infants with a focus on cognitive development.}
%-------------------------------------------------- PROGRAMMING SKILLS --------------------------------------------------
\resumeEntryS{Traits } {Hardworking, Alpha Male, Jackhammer, Merciless, Insatiable}
\resumeEntryS{Talents } {Karate (Black Belt), Jujitsu, Werewolf Hunting, Table Making}