%% $HeadURL: https://repository.cs.ru.is/svn/template-staff/tex/recommendation-sterilized/recommendation-template.tex $
%% $Id: recommendation-template.tex 28 2018-02-19 22:41:23Z foley $
%% LaTeX template for writing student recommendations by Joseph T. Foley <foley@ru.is>
%% This can easily be used for anything that needs the RU letterhead.
%% To get the exact font that is used on the official letterhead,
%% run xelatex instead of pdflatex.
%% This should not be distributed outside of RU staff to avoid having students forge documents.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TeXStudio Magic Comments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% These comments that start with "!TeX" modify the way TeXStudio works
%% For details see http://texstudio.sourceforge.net/manual/current/usermanual_en.html Section 4.10
%% What encoding is the file in?
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
%% What language should it be spellchecked?
% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
%% What program should I compile this document with?
% !TeX program = pdflatex
%% Which program should be used for generating the bibliography?
% !TeX TXS-program:bibliography = txs:///biber
%% This also sets the bibliography program for TeXShop and TeXWorks
% !BIB program = biber
%% Options should be separated by commas
%% Option: 11pt -- default font is 11pt
%% Option: letterhead -- if you want to "fake" letterhead instead of using real letterhead
%% Option: bibmagic -- if you want a references section with bibtex
%% this option is not needed with biblatex/biber
%% natbib allows \citet and \citep to exist
%% Put your information here
\newcommand{\myname}{John Hancock}
\newcommand{\myopening}{Dear admissions officer,}
%% Default opening for all the letters
\newcommand{\myclosing}{Kind regards}
%% Pick if you have a graphic for the signature or not If you have a
%% graphic for a signature, uncomment the lines below. Replace signature.pdf with
%% your signature file.
\renewcommand{\myclosing}{Kind regards, \\
%% More information
\newcommand{\email}{{\tt johnhc@ru.is}}
\newcommand{\department}{Department of Stuff}
\newcommand{\university}{Reykjavík University}
\newcommand{\universityaddress}{Menntavegur 1\\
Reykjavík 101\\
\newcommand{\cred}{(BJU BS '99)}
\newcommand{\info}{I am an \position{} at \university{} in the \department{}}
\newcommand{\imaddr}{skype at {\tt foo}, and google hangouts at {\tt foo.bar@gmail.com}}%last!
\newcommand{\disciplines}{Divine intervention}
\newcommand{\tenure}{8 years}
%% Information about the student
% \newcommand{\studentfull}{Jón Jonson}
\newcommand{\studentfull}{Katrín Jakobsdóttir}
%% Prononuns for the boilerplate text
\newcommand{\studenttime}{3 months}
\newcommand{\teammates}{three team-mates} %%can put the number here if needed
\newcommand{\course}{my Awesome Robots\footnote{sometimes called Robotics or Industrial Feedback Systems in other curricula} course}
\newcommand{\grade}{$X \rightarrow Y$ \fxfatal{Fill in grade.}}
\newcommand{\rank}{Z out of ZZ in the class. \fxfatal{Fill in rank}}
\newcommand{\target}{Bob Jones University}
\newcommand{\skillsmastered}{\He{} has mastered the fundamentals necessary for research in this field including praying to the gods of the magic blue smoke in electronics.
%% Macros defined by the letter class
My name is Dr.\ \myname{} \cred{} and \info{}.
I have been teaching at this university for \tenure{} in the areas of \disciplines{}.
I have known \studentfull{} for \studenttime{}.
\student{} has completed \course{} and excelled with a grade of \grade{} out of 10.
\He{} ranked \rank{}.
\He{} had an excellent grasp of the very challenging and interdisciplinary material which draws from computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
\His{} final project with \teammates{} demonstrated all of the learning outcomes in Mechatronics 1:
\item Be able to design, build, and test advanced circuits with active elements
\item Write lab reports for experiments performed
\item See opportunities, not obstacles, when problems arise.
\fxfatal{Fill in a summary of the group project, at least a paragraph.}
\His{} team built {\em something}.
This project required them to {\em do something}.
The project was well thought out, well implemented, and properly documented in a presentation and technical report.
\fxfatal{Fill out individual information, at least a paragraph}
\student{} has {\em characteristics}.
\He{} has shown {\em characteristic 1 by doing something}.
\fxfatal{Add the part makes the recommendation believable (and not generic).
Be as detailed as possible.}
\He{} has {\em area of improvement}.
\He{} is {\em improving them by doing \ldots\/}
%% Summary goes here. Put \skillsmastered{} in argument for default skills.
If you have further questions, I can be contacted at \phone{},
\email{}, \imaddr{}.
% make sure you have the bibmagic option for bibtex
% \bibliography{references} %bibtex
\printbibliography{} %biber/biblatex
\newcommand{\recommendation}[2]{\recommendationbase{To summarize, I would highly recommend \student{} for \his{} proposed graduate studies in #1 in #2. \skillsmastered{}} }
\newcommand{\recommendationGrant}[1]{\recommendationbase{To summarize, I would highly recommend \student{} for #1. \skillsmastered{}}
%% Generic letter, probably for an industry job or needing more specific recommendation
%% This allows us to change the opening and the specific summary
%% For the common universities, macros have been setup as shown later.
% \begin{letter}{Human Resources Department\\
% Marel ehf.\\
% Austurhraun 9\\
% 210 Garðabær\\
% Iceland}
% \opening{Dear Human Resources administrator,}
% \recommendationbase{To summarize, I would recommend \student{} for positions in mechanical design, especially research and development.
% \He{} has mastered the fundamentals necessary for effective work in this field, including: design methodologies, CAD tools, rapid prototyping, version control, and documentation in \LaTeX.}
% \end{letter}
% Example of a grant or scholarship
% \newcommand{\scholname}{Google Europe Scholarship for 2016}
% \begin{letter}{\scholname{}}
% \opening{To whom it may concern,}
% \recommendationGrant{\scholname{}}
% \end{letter}
%% The preformatted address macros live in custom.tex
%% This is a recommendation boilerplate, but needing a specific address
% e.g. \genericletter{Name of University}{Address\\Address}{Degree Program}
% \genericletter{University of Southampton}{Faculty Of Engineering And The Environment\\
% Building 177\\
% University Of Southampton\\
% Boldrewood Campus\\
% SO16 7QF\\
% United Kingdom}{Unmanned Aircraft Systems Design}
\chalmersletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%\dtuletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%\ethletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%\kthletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%\tudelftletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%\usdkletter{}{Mechatronics} % USDK doesn't use department
%\swedenletter{Graduate Admissions}{Mechatronics}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% End: