Notebook for the Touché Lab at CLEF 2024
Johannes Kiesel
Last Updated
4 months ago
Other (as stated in the work)
Template for a participant notebook including submission instructions.
\copyrightclause{Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).}
\conference{CLEF 2024: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, September 09–12, 2024, Grenoble, France}
% TODO: replace <team name> with the name of your team and <short title> with a phrase that indicates your approach and the tracks you participated in (using as keywords "values", "political debates", or "image")
\title{<team name> at Touché: <short title>}
\title[mode=sub]{Notebook for the Touché Lab at CLEF 2024}
% TODO: replace authors; remove \fnmark and \fntext if not nedded; replace address (you can add more)
\author[1]{First N. Author}[%
\author[1]{Second N. Author}[%
\fntext[1]{Authors contributed equally}
\address[1]{Affiliation name, Street, City, Post code, Country}
% TODO: write your own abstract
Your abstract. If you need more information on commands to prepare this paper, see formatting-instructions.pdf. The submission-instructions.pdf contains instructions on how to submit the paper by 31 May 2024 Midnight CEST (not AoE!).
% TODO: replace with your own keywords
Separate \sep Them with \sep Sep command
% TODO: write an introduction; you can also deviate from the outline that we suggest here
You have to cite the Touch{\'e} overview paper (just as we will cite your paper); \cite{kiesel:2024}. If you participate in image retrieval/generation, you also have to cite the ImageCLEF overview paper: \cite{ionescu:2024}.
% TODO: or "Related Work": whatever the reader needs to know to understand your paper and to put it into context
Papers you might want to refer to:
If you participate in Human Value Detection:
last year's overview paper for ValueEval~\cite{kiesel:2023};
the defining paper for human value detection in texts~\cite{kiesel:2022};
the JRC report on values~\cite{scharfbillig:2021}; and
the latest publication on Schwartz' theory of values~\cite{schwartz:2012}
If you participate in Image Retrieval/Generation:
the defining paper for image retrieval for arguments~\cite{kiesel:2021}
\section{System Overview}
% TODO: describe the components of your submission; for every submission you describe in the next section, it must be clear what it is (parameters etc.)
% TODO: describe resources you employed, if any
% TODO: we will send you tables and/or figures together with your results that you can put here; if you have several submissions, compare their results here
% TODO: write a conclusion; if you have several submissions, again say what worked best; write perspectives for future work
% TODO: replace or remove acknowledgments
Your acknowledgments (funding etc.)
% TODO: replace or remove appendix
If you need one