KJSCE Report Writing
Ninad Mehendale
Last Updated:
4 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for KJSCE somaiya vidyavihar university

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%%% Time-stamp: <mainrep.tex 19:57, 17 Jul 2016 by P Sunthar>
%%% $Log:$
% This document describes how to use iitbreport style
%% Default spacing: 1.5
%% Default font size: 12pt
%% Default font: txfonts (similar to times new roman)
%% Selectively comment out sections that you want to be left out but
%% maintaining the page numbers and other \ref
%%% Some commonly used packages (make sure your LaTeX installation
%%% contains these packages, if not ask your senior to help installing
%%% the packages)
%%% Macro definitions for Commonly used symbols
\newcommand{\tenpow}[1]{\ensuremath{\times 10^{#1}}}
% Referencing macros
% In frontmatter everything comes with roman numbering
% Title Page
\title{Essential \LaTeX\ Templates for Report Writing}
\author{My name}
%% Print the date. Today's date comes by default, change it here to
%% other date format, if required:
%\date{10 Mar 2016}
%% The type of the report can be set here
\reporttype{A Project Report}
%\reporttype{A Thesis}
%\reporttype{A Dissertation}
%\reporttype{A Project Report}
%% Name of the degree
%\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
%\degree{Master of Technology}
\degree{Bachelor of Technology}
%% Department/Centre Name
\dept{Department of Electronics Engineering}
%% Supervisor and cosupervisor/excosupervisor are not essential parts
%% of a report title page, as it is your report!
%% But if you **have** to put it uncomment these
%\supervisor{Supervisor name}
%\cosupervisor{Co-super name}
%\excosupervisor{External Supervisor}
%% Roll number
\rollnum{Roll No. ....}
% Copyright Page
% Dedication Page
\dedication[Dedicated to \ldots]
% Certificate Page
%\makecertificate[change title name]{report type}
\makecertificate{seminar report}
%\makecertificate{project report}
% Approval Sheet
% Declaration
% Abstract
% Contents list
\makecontents % Creats toc, lof, and lot
% Notations
\notations[4cm]{List of Symbols}
% In mainmatter everything comes with arabic numbering
% Chapters
% Appendices
%% Additional, supporting material, such as codes, derivations, etc., can be placed in the appendix
\chapter{Supporting Material}
% Bibliography or References
% List of publications
% Acknowledgements
% About author
\colophon % remove this command while using this file.
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: