% !TEX engine = lualatex
%%%%%%%%%% Edition informations %%%%%%%%%%
% JIPS Volume, Number and Article number
% Month and year of publication
% Full submission date
\JIPSSubmissionDate{17 juin 2019}
% Full acceptance date
\JIPSAcceptanceDate{4 décembre 2019}
% First page (last page automatically computed)
%%%%%%%%%% Article informations %%%%%%%%%%
% French title
\TitleFr{Titre en français ici}
% English title
\TitleEn{English title here}
% Short title (used on page headers and PDF title metadata)
\ShortTitle{Titre court ici}
\Author{Firstname LASTNAME}
\Author{Firstname LAST NAME}
\Author{First Name LASTNAME}
%\Author{First Name LASTNAME}
\ShortAuthors{Firstname Lastname, Firstname Last Name \& First Name Lastname}
\KeywordsEn{some, key, words}
\KeywordsFr{quelques, mots, clés}
%%%%%%%%%%%% Article content %%%%%%%%%%%%%
Example refs:
article \citep{article} ;
book \citep{book} ;
booklet \citep{booklet} ;
conference \citep{conference} ;
inbook \citep{inbook} ;
incollection \citep{incollection} ;
manual \citep{manual} ;
mastersthesis \citep{mastersthesis} ;
misc \citep{misc} ;
and some others \citep{phdthesis,proceedings,techreport,unpublished}
\section{Titre 1}
\begin{checklist}{Les apports de cette recherche :}
\item Apport 1
\item Apport 2
\item Apport 3
\item Apport 4
\item Apport 5
\subsection{Titre 2}
\subsubsection{Titre 3}
\paragraph{Titre 4}
\subparagraph{Titre 5}
\caption{Example of an image with a caption above. The caption MUST be above the image, not below.}
In physics, the mass-energy equivalence is stated
by the equation $E=mc^2$, discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein.
Depending on the value of $x$ the equation \( f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \frac{a_i}{1+x} \) may diverge or converge.
\[ f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \frac{a_i}{1+x} \]
%%%%%%%%%%%% Acknowledgement %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% You can remove this section if you don't need it
This work was founded by blabla blabla.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Bibliography %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% Authors biographies %%%%%%%%%%%
\biography{Firstname LASTNAME}{bio.jpg}{%
Biography of the author
\biography{Firstname LAST NAME}{bio.jpg}{%
Biography of the author
\biography{First Name LASTNAME}{bio.jpg}{%
Biography of the author