
IIT Patna Resume
Ankit Kumar
Last Updated:
3 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Sample Resume for IIT Patna

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Resume in Latex
% Author
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\name}{Your Name} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Your Course} % Your Course
\newcommand{\roll}{XXXXXX} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{8252xxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{youremail@email.com} %Email 1
\newcommand{\emailb}{officialemail@iitp.ac.in} %Email 2
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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r}
\textbf{\LARGE \name} & +91-\phone\\
{Roll No.:\roll} & \href{mailto:\emaila}{\emaila} \\
\course & \href{mailto:\emailb}{\emailb}\\
{Mathematics and Computing} & \href{https://github.com/\github}{Github} $|$ \href{\website}{Website}\\
{Indian Institute Of Technology, Patna} & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/\linkedin/}{linkedin.com/in/\linkedin}
% \section{Education}
% \resumeSubHeadingListStart
% \resumeSubheading
% {Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati}{Guwahati, India}
% {Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics and Computing ; GPA: 8.10}{July. 2015 -- July. 2019 (Expected)}
% \resumeSubheading
% {Burdwan Model School}{Burdwan, W.B}
% {Central Board of Secondary Education (Class XII); Percentage: 96.60}{March. 2015}
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd\vspace{-3mm}
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\textbf{Degree/Certificate } & \textbf{Institute/Board} & \textbf{CGPA/Percentage} & \textbf{Year}\\
M.Tech. (MnC) & Indian Institute of Technology, Patna & 8.19 (Current) & 2021-Present\\
B.Tech. (CSE) & Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata & 8.21 & 2015-2019\\ %Optional
Senior Secondary & CBSE Board & 88.0\% & 2014 \\
Secondary & CBSE Board & 85.5\% & 2012 \\
{Tata Consultancy Services}{Kolkata}
{Assistant System Engineer}{Aug 2019 - Nov. 2020}
\item {Managed ETL process for reporting purposes in a team of 4, improved PL/SQL packages for faster and consistent data flow.
Reduced month-end activity time by 10hrs, created Alteryx Workflows for Data analysis and validations.}
\item {
Developed a plugin that simplified the debugging process by
differentiating log messages with a different colour that helped
the support team while investigating incidents.}
{Thinking Stack Inc.}{Bengaluru, India}
{Full Stack Developer Intern}{Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2019}
\item {Developed web app using ReactJS and deployed the app to AWS EC2 using Docker.}
\item {Made website mobile-friendly and increased Google web dev score by 50 points.}
{Project Tracker } %Project Name
{Developed progress tracker for clients to track payments, progress, meetings. } %Project Name, Location Name
{Feb. 2022} %Event Dates
\item {\textbf{Tools \& technologies used}: NextJs/ReactJS, Strapi/Node, Tailwind/CSS}
{What To Watch Next } %Project Name
{Content based Movie Recommendation system that recommends 5 other movie based on a given movie. } %Project Name, Location Name
{Dec. 2021 - Jan. 2022} %Event Dates
{\href{https://what-to-watch-next.herokuapp.com/}{Live Url}
| {\href{https://github.com/ankit0696/what-to-watch-next}{Github}} } %Website
{Kisan Mitra(SIH 2019) } %Project Name
{Web Portal for Ministry of Agriculture to view the predicted crop yield data in geo-refrenced map. } %Project Name, Location Name
{Feb. 2019 - Mar. 2019} %Event Dates
{\href{https://github.com/ankit0696/kisan_mitra}{Github}} %Website
\item {\textbf{Tools \& technologies used}: QGIS, Java, HTML, CSS, JS, ChartistJS}
\item {Created APIs to fetch crop production data and displayed them into Geo-refrenced Map.}
\section{Key Courses Taken}
\resumeSubItem{} % Category
{Data Structure,Algorithms,DBMS,Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web Services, Operating System}
% \resumeSubItem{Operating Systems}
% {Windows, Linux*}
% \hfill \textit{\footnotesize{* Elementary proficiency}} \hspace{3mm}
\section{Technical Skills}
\resumeSubItem{Programming: } % Category
{ C/C++,Python,R,JavaScript,SQL}
\resumeSubItem{Tools \& OS: } % Category
{Git, Jupyter Notebook,Google Colab, Linux, Windows } % Skills
\resumeSubItem{Libraries/Frameworks: } % Category
{Pandas, Numpy, scikit-learn, JQuery}
\resumeSubItem{Web Skills: } % Category
% \resumeSubItem{Operating Systems}
% {Windows, Linux*}
% \hfill \textit{\footnotesize{* Elementary proficiency}} \hspace{3mm}
\section{Positions of Responsibility}
\resumePOR{Assistant Head Coordinator,} % Position
{Training \& Placement Cell, IIT Patna} %Club,Event
{Present} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{General Secretary,} % Position
{Nexus Coding Club, IEM Kolkata} %Club,Event
{Apr. 2018 - Apr. 2019} %Tenure Period
\resumePOR{Secured 1st Position } % Award
{Smart India Hackathon, MHRD, Government of India. Won prize of 1Lakh INR. } % Event
{2019} %Event Year
\resumePOR{Winner } % Award
{Web Designing Competition(URECKON'18) organized by
University of Engineering \\ \& Management, ISRO} % Event
{2018} %Event Year
\resumePOR{Github Arctic Code Vault Contributor } % Award
{Contributed code to several repositories in the 2020 GitHub \\ Archive Program} % Event
{2020} %Event Year
Datacamp Certification on Introduction to R
NPTEL Certification on Database Management System
Internshala Certification on Web Developmet