% (A) Math font without serifs, enable line below to make math serif:
% (B) Re-define primary colour by adjusting the RGB values
%\definecolor{pblue} {RGB}{206,125,66}
% (C) Title page graphic (optional) --- this is not for the background image, see \usebackgroundtemplate to change that ---
% (D) Add logo to bottom right-corner (optional)
% (E) Choose one (or none) of these lines to add footline bar on all frames
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[infoline] % author, title, insitute
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[navigation] % dots swhowing progress
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[navsym] % navigation symbols
% (F) Widescreen 16:9 ratio
\title[Heverlee \LaTeX\ Beamer theme]{Heverlee Beamer theme}
\subtitle{\textbackslash usetheme\{Heverlee\}}
\author{John Doe}
\institute{Placeholder University}
\date{September 2020}
% Text inside {} is used on the title page. Text inside [] is optional, and is used in footline bar (if [] is omitted then text from {} will be used in both ; if [] is specified but left empty then the footline will not show any text)
% Title page
% Change image, or delete this line to remove background image
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_alishan.jpg}}}
% abudhabi cherry forest river
% alishan chobe leuven sanfancisco
% blueprint columns library uyuni
% bokeh flowers newyork winter
%\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=lgray} % make background light gray
% Table of contents slide
\vskip 2mm
\hfill {\large \parbox{.95\textwidth}{\tableofcontents[hideothersubsections]}}
\section{Basic examples}
\begin{frame}{Color palette}\label{colorpalette}
Recommended, predefined colours
\item black
\item \textcolor{pblue}{primary blue} (\texttt{pblue})
\item Can be changed by adding to preamble:
\item[ ] \texttt{\textbackslash definecolor\{pblue\}\{RGB\}\{49,130,189\}}
\item \textcolor{white}{white} $\leftarrow$ white, when background is dark
\item \textcolor{gray}{50\% gray } for text and \textcolor{lgray}{5\% gray} for background (\texttt{lgray})
\item if necessary use \textcolor{red}{red text color}
\item red is also default for \alert{alert text}
\begin{frame}{Theorems and other blocks}
\begin{block}{Title of the bloc}
Text for generic block ...
\begin{exampleblock}{Example block title}
Text for example block ...
\begin{alertblock}{Alert block title}
Text for alert block ...
\begin{frame}{Theorems and other blocks}
Theorem environment
A theorem is a non-self-evident statement that has been proven to be true.
Definition environment
A definition is a statement of the meaning of a term (a word, phrase, or other set of symbols).
Example environment
Something that serves to illustrate or explain a rule.
\begin{frame}{Theorems and other blocks}
Proof environment
A mathematical proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement, showing that the stated assumptions logically guarantee the conclusion.
Corollary environment
A corollary is a theorem of less importance which can be readily deduced from a previous, more notable statement.
Standard buttons
\hyperlink{colorpalette}{\beamergotobutton{Link to frame}}
\beamerskipbutton{Button with long title and no link}
These buttons can link to any frame, figure, table, theorem, section, or anything else with a defined label.
\section{Itemization and enumeration examples} \label{sec:items}
\item Itemize style
\item Itemize style
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize subsubitem
\item Itemize subsubitem
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize style
(extra space between items)
\itemsep 20pt
\item Itemize style
\item Itemize style
\itemsep 10pt
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize subitem
\item Itemize style
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate style
(option I) + pause
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate style
(option i.)
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate style
(option A.) + effects
\item<1-5> Enumerate style
\item<1-5> Enumerate style
\item<2-5> Enumerate subitem
\item<3-5> Enumerate subitem
\item<3-4> Enumerate subsubitem
\item<3-4> Enumerate subsubitem
\item<4-5> Enumerate subitem
\item<5> Enumerate style
(option a + extra space)
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate style
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subsubitem
\item Enumerate subitem
\item Enumerate style
\section{Quick options \& customisation}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(A) Math font}
In preamble of demo.tex there are a few options to easily modify or customise your presentation
Default sans-serif math:
\item $ c^2 = a^2+b^2 - 2ab \cos\gamma $
\item $e^{ \pm i\theta } = \cos \theta \pm i\sin \theta$
To change to serif math everywhere
\item $ \mathnormal{c^\mathrm{2} = a^\mathrm{2}+b^\mathrm{2} - \mathrm{2}ab \cos\gamma} $
\item $\mathnormal{e^{ \pm i\theta } = \cos \theta \pm i\sin \theta}$
\verb+ \usefonttheme[onlymath]{serif}+
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(B) Change primary colour}
\item Default color for frame titles, itemization and other elements is \textcolor{pblue}{blue}
\item You can redefine primary color, to e.g. orange, by changing RGB values:
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(C) First page foreground image}
\item Add additional small foreground image on the title page
\item Add in preamble:
\centering Not that this not for the background image. Go to: \hyperlink{background_image}{\beamergotobutton{First page background}}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(D) Footline logo}
\item Add your logo in bottom right corner
\item Command \verb+\logo+ can be removed, and no logo will be shown
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(E) Footline information bar}
\item Add information on bottom of every frame
\item Four options:
\item \verb+infoline+ ~:~ Text line with author, titile and institute
\item \verb+navigation+ ~:~ Dots by frame and section showing progress
\item \verb+navsym+ ~:~ Navigation symbols
\item Nothing (delete/disable all)
\item Options cannot be combined
\item Can be combined with logo
\begin{frame}[fragile]{(F) Widescreen}
Default screen ration is 4:3. Load the following package in the preamble to make all frames wider to 16:9 ratio:
Title page or other frames should not get (too) distorted because of it.
\section{Title page background templates gallery}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{First page background}\label{background_image}
\item Easily change first page background image with a selection of templates, or any photo you want (change filename \textcolor{red}{in red})
\item All included images are based on photos that free for commercial and non-commercial use. Attribution is not required.
\item Background image can be removed (delete the entire line)
\verb+{+ \\
\verb+\usebackgroundtemplate{+{\color{gray} \verb+\parbox[b][\paperheight]+
\color{gray} \verb+[width=\paperwidth]+\color{black}\verb+{Background/+\color{red} \verb+bg_alishan.jpg+\color{black}\verb+}+\color{gray} \verb+}+\color{black}\verb+}+
\verb+\begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering]+ \\
\verb+ \titlepage+ \\
\verb+\end{frame}+ \\
\footnotesize{Part in \textcolor{gray}{gray} is is not always necessary. It ensures the images of various sizes will fit and are aligned.}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_abudhabi.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_alishan.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_blueprint.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_bokeh.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_cherry.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_chobe.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_columns.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_flowers.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_forest.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_leuven.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_library.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_newyork.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_river.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_sanfrancisco.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_uyuni.jpg}}}
\usebackgroundtemplate{ \parbox[b][\paperheight][b]{\paperwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{Background/bg_winter.jpg}}}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=gray}
\textcolor{white}{Thank you}