Exam Template IB style
Daniel Gómez
Last Updated
5 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template to create exams that use a mark scheme.
This is a template to create exams that use a mark scheme.
%Exam Template for CNY
%created by: Daniel Gómez
\documentclass[letterpaper, 11pt]{article}
\newcommand\myauthor{Daniel Gómez}%author
\newcommand\myinstitute{New York School}%school
\newcommand\mydepartment{Mathematics Area}%the department
\newcommand\thisevaluation{Evaluation}%name of the evaluation
\newcommand\thisgrade{9}%grade level
\newcommand\copies{120}%number of copies
%first page
\textbf{Criteria Assessed and final grade}\\
\criteria[3]{Criteria 1}{Criteria 2}{Criteria 3}{Criteria 4}%Inside the brackets place the number of criteria
%If only one criteria assessed, then the bracket may be omitted
%inside the curly brackets place the criteria in the order you want them to appear
\input{Instructions.tex}%Include instructions is applicable, if not pace the percent sign before \input{Instructions.tex}, Customize your instructions as needed
%body of document
%%\begin{question}[abox true(optional if you need answerbox)]{total marks}{no. of subpoints}{box length}
%%%%\qmarks{subpoint no. of marks} insert question here