% LaTeX template for Models of Computation assessed coursework
% Most of the required packages are standard and should be provided by most TeX installations
% This file is released into the Public Domain
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
\newcommand{\ang}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
% Register Machines
\newcommand{\uinc}[2]{#1^+ \ra L_{#2}}
\newcommand{\udec}[3]{#1^- \ra L_{#2}, L_{#3}}
\newcommand{\iinc}[3]{L_{#1} & : \uinc{#2}{#3} \\}
\newcommand{\idec}[4]{L_{#1} & : \udec{#2}{#3}{#4} \\}
\newcommand{\ihalt}[1]{L_{#1} & : \HALT \\}
\newcommand{\ppair}[1]{\langle\hspace{-0.6ex}\langle #1 \rangle\hspace{-0.6ex}\rangle}
\title{Models of Computation Assessed Coursework II}
\author{A. Student}
This document is a skeleton which provides macros to help typeset your solution to the coursework.
Register machine rules can be typeset like this:
\[ \begin{array}{r@{\ }l}
\end{array} \]
Pairs and encodings:
\ppair{1,2} \\
\pair{3,4} \\
\code{[1,2,3,4]} = \ppair{1,\ppair{2,\ppair{3,\ppair{4,0}}}} \\
Graphing a register machine:
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center),node distance=1.5cm,thick]
\node (S) {$\START$};
\node (L0) [right of=S] {$R_n^-$};
\node (L1) [right of=L0] {$\HALT$};
\node (L2) [below of=L0] {$R_m^+$};
\path[->] (S) edge (L0)
(L0) edge (L1) edge[bend right,->>] (L2)
(L2) edge[bend right] (L1);
Other useful notation:
\mathbb{N} \\