% remove these for actual abstract, needed only to generate random text
textwidth = 170mm,
headheight = 20mm, %30mm
bottom = 27.5mm,
headsep = 7.5mm,
footskip = 10mm
% type your title inside curly braces
\abstractTitle{Title of your extended abstract}
% include authors as directed below, remove add additional fields where necessary
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth} {
>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X }
% replace name, affiliation, address, and email fields for each author
\abstractAuthor{Name Surnamovich}{Your fantastic affiliation with\newline a very long name}{Company address}{Name.Surname@company.com} &
\abstractAuthor{Name Surnameson}{One line affiliation \newline}{Company address}{Name.Surname@company.com} &
\abstractAuthor{Name Surnamova}{One line affiliation\newline}{Company address}{Name.Surname@company.com} \\
% vertical separator between authors
\multicolumn{3}{c}{} \\
% more authors
\abstractAuthor{Name Surnameson}{One line affiliation}{Company address}{Name.Surname@company.com} &
\abstractAuthor{Name Surnamova}{One line affiliation}{Company address}{Name.Surname@company.com}
% replace contents of curly braces with your summary
% modify and add section names where needed
% replace the following line with your text
% example reference to figure
Figure \ref{fig:sample_figure}.
% replace the following line with your text
% single-column figure-example
\captionof{figure}{My caption for the small figure.}
% replace the following line with your text
\blindtext Figure \ref{fig:large_figure}.
\cite{CitekeyArticle, CitekeyBook, CitekeyMastersthesis}
%% this should be placed exactly at the end of the title page
% replace the following lines with your text
\citep{CitekeyIncollection, CitekeyInproceedings}
% replace the following lines with your text
% replace with your large figure
\caption{My caption for the large figure.}
% replace with your table
\caption{Parameters random stuff.}
\begin{tabular} { l@{\hspace{0.5cm}} | *{3}{@{\hspace{0.5cm}}r}}
Materials&\multicolumn{3}{ c }{Sample parameters}\\ [0.5ex]
& $a$ & $K_{df}$, GPa & $\mu_{ss}$, GPa\\ [0.5ex]
Mat 0 & 0.34& 1.7& 14.4 \\
Mat 1 & 0.54& 33.9& 5.3 \\
Mat 2 & 0.52& 42.0& 3.2 \\
Mat 3 & 0.00 & 9.6& 8.5 \\
% generate bibliography