%%% This LaTeX--file contains the guidelines for full
%%% papers for Warsaw Summer School on Advanced Optical Imaging 2024
%%% You need the following file
%%% * aoi-abstract.tex
\documentclass[10pt, twoside, a4paper]{article}
%% Enter further packages required for your abstract
\fancyhead[L]{{\fontsize{11}{11}\selectfont\color{color_gray} Submitted to Warsaw Summer School on Advanced Optical Imaging 2024}
%%Remove the line below before submission!
{\vspace*{3mm}\color{color_261472}\fontsize{10}{10.5}\selectfont To be submitted online through https://advanced-optical-imaging.candela.org.pl/call-for-abstracts/ as pdf file (max length 2pp). -- Remove this line before submission!}
%% Insert the title of your paper between the brackets
\title{Title of the abstract}
%% Insert authors name(s) and address(es)
%% mark the presenting author with $^\ast$
First FAuthor Name \& Surname$^{a}$, Second-Author Name \& Surname$^{\ast a,b}$, Third$^{b}$ \& So-on$^{a,b,c}$
$^{a}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{b}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{c}$Institution, address, Country \\
$^{\#}$corresponding author email: author@author.com \\
$^{\ast}$Presenting author
\section{Main Text}
Optical imaging techniques are pivotal drivers of societal progress, catalyzing breakthroughs in science, medicine, and technology. The intricate world of microscopic imaging stands as a testament to interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing on the frontiers of physics, statistics, biology, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and software development. Profound comprehension of the inherent constraints, both foundational and technical, of advanced imaging techniques is pivotal for their continual evolution, for advancing both applied and fundamental research, and for translating results into commercial success.
With this insight, our school’s primary focus is the study and exploitation of latest advances in the field of optical imaging techniques. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge gathered by experts from diverse research fields confronting similar challenges. We will address theoretical aspects and emphasize their practical applications.
The conference program will feature a dynamic lineup of introductory and advanced lectures delivered by renowned experts in the field. Additionally, there will be two dedicated poster sessions, fostering a vibrant platform for the exchange of ideas among participants while affording them the opportunity to showcase their own research achievements.
Furthermore, the conference will highlight the excellence of submitted abstracts by elevating the top three poster submissions to oral presentations, to be delivered during the Early Career Professionals Session
\section{Methods and results}
\caption{{Insert figure caption}}
\bibitem{source1} FamilyName, GivenName Initial., "Title," Source, pg\# (year).
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