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\header{Yeshasvi}{ Tirupachuri}
{%coexisting with robots
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\section{ \ }
\hspace*{-1cm} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{tirupachuri.jpg}
\hspace*{-1cm} Italian Institute of Technology
30 Via Morego
16163, Genova, Italy
\hspace*{-1cm} \href{mailto:yeshasvi.tirupachuri@iit.it}{\mail \ yeshasvi.tirupachuri@iit.it}
\href{https://twitter.com/yeshasvitvs}{\twitter} \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/yeshasvitvs}{\linkedin} \href{https://github.com/yeshasvitvs}{\github \ yeshasvitvs}
English, French, Italian
Hindi, Telugu, Tamil
C++, Matlab, Python
OpenCV, Gazebo
Latex, Github, Linux
Human-Robot Collaboration, Humanoids, Nonlinear Control and Reinforcement Learning
{since 2015}
{Ph.D. {\normalfont fellow Cognitive Robotics}}
{iCub Facility/IIT, DIBRIS/Unige}
{\emph{Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration}}
{M.Sc. in Advanced Robotics}
{University of Genova, Italy}
{M.Sc. in Robotics Engineering}
{Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France}
{B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering}
{Pondicherry University}
{Dynamic Interaction Control, IIT, Italy}
{Research Collaborator}
{\emph{\small Advancing Anticipatory Behaviors in \\ Dynamic Human-Robot Collaboration (AnDy)\footnotemark}}
{03–09 2015}
{iCub Facility, IIT, Italy}
{Research Internship}
{\emph{Vergence control with a neuromorphic iCub ~\cite{7803355}}}
{01–02 2015}
{Emaro Lab, Unige, Italy}
{Research Internship}
{\emph{Human-Robot Cooperation using Wearable Sensing ~\cite{tirupachurihuman}}}
{07–08 2014}
{Emaro Lab, Unige, Italy}
{Teaching Assistant}
{\emph{Software Architecture using ROS}}
{Madras Rubber Factory Limited, India}
{Automation Engineer}
{Commissioning and Maintenance of Heavy Machinery}
{Graduate Summer School}
{\emph{Cognitive Robotics - Planning under uncertainity}}
{International Society of Motor Control}
{Graduate Summer School}
{\emph{Human Motor Control}}
\section{scholarships \& awards}
{European Union}
{Early Stage Researcher}
{\emph{PACE\footnotemark ITN Marie skłodowska-curie actions fellowship}}
{\href{https://saiconference.com/IntelliSys}{Intelligent Systems Conference}}
{\href{https://saiconference.com/Conferences}{Science and Information Conferences}}
{\emph{Best Student Paper Award \cite{tirupachuri2019towards}}}
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%------------------- Workshop Section -------------------%